The Mirror Of Time

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( Layla / Sanura)

I have always loved Egypt since i was a little girl i studied it for like forever.Being the niece to Howard carter has its perks i was given a gift from the heavens when he said i could tag along with him on the big dig in Egypt with the new tomb he dicovered. My mom however thought it was bad and would make me more obessed with Egypt though. He said it would probably look good for college if i wrote about it in some sort of essay.So i get to go.Best part today i leave for Egypt here i go to the ancient world. Feeling the warm sun on my face and wind blowing the sand against my skin is so nice. just loooking down at the sand where i stand i wonder who stood in my spot from the ancient world, some high class noble, or a strong solider, maybe a a royal looking at the fine jewelry that the craftsman has made oh how i wonder what history was here.So many things rushed and rushed in my head. Maybe just maybe i thought i could be so rencarncated egyptian royal or wise preistess just thinking this thought makes my blood heat up my body. Uncle Howard thinks everything is connected to the past so we have connection everywhere we go. I must tell you about my dream i had though is was so beautiful, i was swept away back into time and i met the most unearthly man he wore the mask of Anubis. When he took it off i was captured by his piercing green eyes, oh how they struck my soul with so much wonder. In this dream i was one of the courts dancers so i wore stunning jewelry and beatiful linen, i must have been good at dancing. I felt a tiny breeze in this place where i stood my body did not move for this man was coming closer to me as if he knew me, knew my soul. For when he touched my face with the most gentle caress of his hand i felt fire in my core of my being. Sadly my dream ends hear cause i am awake on a plan landing in Cairo. Walking off the plan I am hit with the heat and scent of the desert.i feel like there is a bird stuck in my chest as i walk in the airport out to the car that will take me to the tombs. With every step it feels like the bird might burst out of me and fly away happy to be here and free. Looking around for my Uncle was kinda hard but i caught up to him. I saw him looking for something in his luggage which was his pipe. Glad to know he still can be at peace with a moment to enjoy himself here and there. My Uncle notices me and brings his suitcase over and we put our luggage in the trunk and got in the car. All i hear is mumbling as we go off to the hotel and unpack the stuff. All i can personally tell you is i want to get hell there and in the dirt. Time is mean for making this drag on forever. When i get to the hotel room i flop on my bed with a big sigh. Slowly my eyes start to drop but i am not tired i wanna go i wanna go find history my soul is screaming on the inside. However my body refuses to listen and i fall asleep.

I suddenly open my eyes wide i would expect to be in the hotel room seeing old style fancy pictures and elaborate wallpaper. but no i am in a chamber with elbaorate paintings of Hathor and Isis. This has to be a dream i don't want to awake so much is alive in here. I stretch my arm out to touch the walls they feel so real, i feel a breathe on the back of my neck . Turning around quickly i see him again the man with the green eyes "You have to Save our Pharoah" he begs with his voice. I open my mouth to say i can't help when i notice that some how i know him like we have met before. His face is so chisled and defined by the light of the torches that hang on the wall. I can't help but want to touch this face of a stranger from the past." You have to find the way to our people" he says, I look up into those eyes of his and sees that he is sad. "Who are you" i ask. Looking away he says Aart like he never wanted to tell me. " i have to go back, Anubis wants me back in my time"he says. Before i have time to say anything a man with a amulet of Anbis around his neck appears, must be one of his servents. Stepping forward and taking the hand of the man who calls himself Aart and looks at me and with a slight nod vanishes. No come back i wanna scream and cry with this mans departure why is my heart so torn and broken feeling this is so strange. with that everything seems to start changing into a different room. The walls change into pillars with the stories of the Gods and Goddesses blessing the Pharoah and the land. Many are deciptions of people giving offerings. I must be in a temple now, hearing a voice from another direction i tip toe and notice that i am myself dressed very beautifully. Looking at my feet i noticed they have henna, that i am wearing a very fine dress of linen, instinctivley i touch my head and feel the very fine jet black wig the hair goes down to the bottom of my breast at the ends are beads of green and blue lapis.

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