The Red Stone - Chapter 1

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The Unexpected Guest

I woke up with my eyes warm. The light of the sun went through the window and lite the room. I guessed that by the position of the sun that was shinning directly in my eyes, it was almost afternoon. I rolled to the other side of the bed and I opened my eyes. I wanted to close them straight away, but I couldn't. Today was a special day, and I wouldn't miss another minute.

My body felt heavy and tired, i didn't want to move another muscle. I managed to stretch a little bit and checked the watch that was still on my left wrist. It was eleven thirty.

"Damn" I thought; I slept only five hours.

Maybe the anxiety of this day kept me awake; or maybe it was just something else.

I yawned and sat up looking around. I could still smell the fresh paint of my white room that was added three days ago. Because a week ago I didn't even live here. The smell of a new room and the feels of a new bed reminded me of my old home back in Kensington. Crossing the sea and moving to the US wasn't easy but I didn't have a choice either. My mom and I lived alone in this new and big house at the outskirts of New York. Moving to a different place isn't easy, specially when i had to leave everything behind. My old home, my friends and part of my family. My mom had a new job as a cop inside the city, and we needed the money to live. Speaking of which, this is the reason we couldn't buy a house inside the city: money. It is hard for only a mom with a daughter taking care of everything. I wish I could help, but I only made things worse.

I decided to forget the thoughts about my economic status and get out of bed. This day, can't be more ruined than it already was. I brushed my teeth, put on a blue tank top, jean shorts and sandals and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still not like I expected although I already brushed it like for five minutes.

I sighed "oh well never mind".

I opened the closet and pull out my necklace that has my initial on it: K. K because my name is Kat; I always liked my name though many people think that my mom wasn't very creative giving it. And of course, my dad wasn't much of a help. He disappeared, vanished, in other words, he never showed up. That's another reason why we had to move from our old home. Anyways, my life hasn't been easy either. First of all, my dad didn't even bother to show up at my birth, nor even give me a surname. My mom couldn't remember it either, or that's what she said. I guess that she didn't want me to have the surname of the man who abandon me when I didn't even reach a month on my mom's belly. So I called myself Kat Donovan. My mom, Elizabeth Donovan was a cop in the streets of London and now she was offered a new position at the NYPD station, which clearly gave us a new opportunity to start a new life to, or that's what my mom said too.

My thoughts of the past were vanished when I heard a car coming by. I heard its horn and it didn't sound like the car of my mom. I looked at the window but I hesitated.

"Who could it be?" i thought. We usually had no visitors, since we moved a week ago. I took a few steps and I looked out the window. It was a new black sedan with black windows so I couldn't see who was in the car. Suddenly I heard a lock. A few moments later I saw my mom dressed in her green casual dress with black shoes. She seemed worried; more than that, I felt she had a mix of frustration and terror and worries. I can't imagine what thoughts ran through her head but she didn't act like herself. A man stepped out of the car. He was dressed all in black; black shirt, black pants, black shoes and a black leather jacket. He looked like in his middle forties, rather tall, well built, pale skin and black hair. I couldn't see his eyes though as there were covered with sunglasses.

Not even a single word came out of his mouth. Just a dead silence. Like only by staring at each other could say more than a long conversation. Both stood there paralyzed. He turned his head and looked at the house. Then, at my window. He stared at me and I still don't know for how long bit but I swear I could see beyond those sunglasses his eyes that were on fire.

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