The Red Stone - Chapter 3

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The unexpected place

I wasn't proud of what I did; and I'm still not proud. Leaving everything behind just because you are scared it's not easy. So yes, I was scared. Scared because a giant monster appeared infront of my house, scared because of what could happen to me, scared of my mom dying because I left her, scared that I could die. I ran as fast as I could in the green fields. The grass was getting yellowish as the summer was ending. To my right I saw the monster, and he was approaching too fast. Sooner or later I would have to face him and the chances for me defeating him..... Well let's just say "the odds were not on my favor". Yes, I read the hunger games and watched the movies. So what? It was a good sequel.

Anyways, the monster kept chasing me and I was already loosing my speed. The sword that I still had in my hand was getting heavier every second and my feet were getting tired. The side of my stomach hurt and I could barely breathe. I felt like I would stop running in any second, but the thought of staying alive helped me to run from that creature. Somehow, and I was surprised cause I wasn't good at gym at all, I kept running.

It may have passed only three minutes, or an hour but it still felt an eternity when I started to consider if running was still an option. Maybe dying was a quicker way for me to end life was still awful. I reached a forest and while I was running in it I tried to search for a good tree to climb on so the monster couldn't find me. While I was too busy looking up for a tree with a good height I trip with a branch and I fall. "so this is it" I thought. I would die for stupidity. The monster was a few inches from me and it was about to attack me when suddenly an arrow hits one of its eyes. I gasped and stared. "Where did that knife come from?" Suddenly a few kids, some of them looked younger than me, in some kind of ancient armor started fighting the monster. Some of them were even laughing while doing. Meanwhile the attack was almost over. I was still blank and I couldn't move. With a rope, the little warriors tied up the creature with a rope and one of them cuts his head off and its whole body lands on the floor. My eyes wide opened, I just couldn't believe it.

One of the kids hold out his hand to tried to get me up. I tried, but a seconds later all I saw was pure darkness.

~Time Lapse~

At first I didn't want to open my eyes. I knew I was laying on a bed, but I was afraid I wasn't in my own. At first I thought that what happened was just a nightmare, that I was back at my new house in the outskirts of New York, in my new white room. I took a deep breath while my eyes were still shut......I didn't smell the fresh paint, I wasn't there.

Everything was real.....I wasn't asleep......It wasn't a nightmare......and I didn't imagine it. I sighed heavily "why does this happen to me? Didn't I suffer enough?" But the worst was still to come.

I opened my eyes, it was still daylight. I found myself in a room full of other beds. It could be like an infirmary, still it wasn't like the typical ones. It was whole different. It was made of wood I think and it looks more like a tent instead of a close space with white walls. I saw no doctor-like dressed people but I saw teenagers wandering around the place carrying aid kits and notebooks. I frowned "teenage doctors? That can't be...."

One of them approached me and said: -"Hello! I'm Matt, son of Apollo nice to meet you. You were heavily bruised, lucky we found you before that hellhound attacked you and you're...."-

Before he could he could finish that phrase I cut him off.

-"Apollo? hellhound? What the hell is this? Where am I? When..."

-"Woah woah calm down! -he replies- I know that yo are nervous, it must be the shock. But don't worry! Everyone is on this stage until they get used to it. First things first. I have to fill this sheet so what's your name?"

I really felt like punching this kid but I took a deep breath and replied -"Kat, daughter of Ares."

My heart sank. There. I said it. Just like that. Those words that I thought I would never say, and it came out naturally, like I knew who I was since the moment I could think and speak. I looked down at the bed sheets and looked away instantly. Matt finished writting, he didn't notice my recent expressions or maybe he acted like he didnt see them.

-"Very well, since you know who your godly parent is you will inmediately be transfered to cabin 5. One of your brothers will come right away and take you there"

He closes her notebook and looks at me smiling. "Brothers?"

-"Welcome to Camp Half Blood"- and he leaves before I could ask more questions.

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