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Bruce doesn't like to admit it but, he's been having dreams of Selina. Ones where he finally confessed that he had feelings for her, ones where he was brave enough to kiss her, and even ones where they would just explore the city, content. Although he'd have to admit his favorite ones are where he kisses her.
So when he groggily awoke to Selina sitting on the edge of his bed, her back to him, he thought it was just another dream. She snapped her head towards him when she heard him sit up.

"Hey kid." She said. "Hey Selina." He replied groggily. "What are you doing here?" She shrugged her shoulders, now fully facing him. "Guess I didn't feel like sleeping on the streets today." "Oh," He said sadly "well you're always welcome here." He finished with a smile. She gave him a questioning look, trying to see if he was being genuine, and gave him a small smile when she saw he was.
"So, um, you can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on th-" She cut him off, waving her hand in the air.
"Your bed is big enough for two we can share it." She said it so casually that it shocked him and it took him a few moments to respond. "Y-yeah. Okay." He could have sworn he saw a hint of red on her cheeks as she climbed to the other side of the bed. She kicked her shoes off and chucked her jacket beside them before getting under the covers and facing him, a mischievous smirk on her face. Bruce started squirming under her gaze, a blush covering his face. Her green, feline eyes filled with delight, she loved making him squirm.

"If this bothers you I can leave." She said, her smirk widening. "N-no. It's-its alright." He stuttered. Damnit, he thought, why is it so hard to talk to her in this dream?
Selina raised her brows at him in question. "Ya look like you got something on your mind." A somewhat worried smile was on her lips. "It's nothing." He hoped she wouldn't push any further on the topic, but that didn't get him far. "Oh come on, just spit it out." She propped herself on her elbow, their faces now much closer. Bruce quickly sat up, red dusting his cheeks again. Worry flashed across Selina's face. "You can tell me anything, Bruce." She said softly, slowly sitting up to face him. His eyes widened slightly. He's never heard her speak like that, it made his heart skip a beat.
"I-I'm just afraid it will ruin our friendship if I tell you." Fear flashed in his blue eyes. Fear, she realized, of losing her.

Selina's heart fluttered, her breath hitching. Very few people had cared for her, and she cared for few, trusted few. But looking into his mesmerizing blue eyes, she knew she trusted him with her life, and cared for him, deeply. And she was finally realizing that he might care for her, too.
She reached out and grabbed his hand. "You couldn't get rid of me even if you tried." She, again, said softly, a smile lighting up her features.

Once again the softness of her voice surprised Bruce, confusing him. She was never like this in his other dreams, never made him feel things so real. He wondered why she was letting her guard down around him, it made her look vulnerable, and that scared him but also brought butterflies to his stomach. He wondered if he was the only one to see her like this, he secretly hoped he was.
"Why is this so much more difficult than the other dreams." He mumbled, unconsciously gripping her hand. Selina's brows furrowed, her head tilting, she couldn't make out what he said. "What?" "N-nothing." He quickly dismissed.

Bruce met her gaze. Curious, worried, greens eyes met tired, blue eyes, holding so much back. There was so much he wanted to tell her, like the other dreams. But he just really wanted to kiss her and save all the words for later, but he hoped the kiss said all he needed to.
He licked his lips and Selina's gaze dropped to his lips for a split second, her hand unconsciously squeezing Bruce's. His jaw tightened, still debating on what to do.
Selina let out a breath, her brows still slightly furrowed, feline eyes showing slight fear, relief, as if she was about to confess something. "Bruce," He loved the way she said his name. Loved the way she bit her lip before she continued, although he didn't let her.

Bruce leaned forward capturing Selina's lips, savoring the kiss. One of his hands was still gripping Selina's, the other was beside her waist supporting him. He felt the butterflies explode in his stomach while his entire face heated up, and he was confused. Their kisses in his dreams never felt so amazing, so real. He couldn't tell if it scared him or if he liked it.

Selina was so shocked she unknowingly pulled back slightly. Hurt flashed onto Bruce's features, quickly changing into an apologetic look. A look of understanding crossed onto Selina's face and she regretted what she did. Unknowingly to Bruce, she slowly started to lean back in. He was about to apologize when he suddenly felt her lips on his again. She had one of her hands in his hair, he had one on her cheek, they were still holding hands.

Selina felt her heart hammering against her rib cage. Finally. She thought. She let go of his hand and put her arms around his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer. She put all the words she was unable to say into the kiss, hoping Bruce would understand. He did the same.

Selina was the first to pull back, afraid if she didn't she wouldn't be able to stop. She kept her hands on his shoulders, his were on her waist. They were both breathing hard, sharing each other's breaths. Bruce looked down to Selina's now swollen lips then back up to meet her gaze, before a wide grin spread across his face. Selina chuckled at him.
"Selina, I-" She cut him off.
"I like you, too, B." The smile on her face made her eyes glow, along with the light from the moon  coming from the window illuminating her and her unruly hair. She laid down and faced away from him before he could say anything else, trying to keep the blush from her face. Bruce didn't move for a few moments, shocked. But his grin somehow widened even more as he laid down beside her and hesitantly put an arm around her waist, pulled her closer. Selina snuggled against him and smiled.
Best. Dream. Ever. Bruce thought. And they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

*Next morning*

When Bruce woke up, he smiled when he remembered his 'dream'. Then frowned when he thought it wasn't real, that it wasn't ever going to happen.
He sat up and ran a hand through his messy black hair. He looked around his room and saw Selina's jacket and boots not far away from the bed. He shot up. It was a dream, wasn't it? Bruce thought frantically.

When Selina walked through the bedroom door with two apples, Bruce snapped his head to her.
"Mornin' sleeping beauty." She smirk-smiled at him. "Uh g-good morning, Selina" He stuttered, still trying to figure out if last night was a dream.
"Here, brought you some breakfast." She threw the apple to him as she started walking towards him. He fumbled with it, but eventually caught it. "Thanks." Bruce mumbled. She sat down on the bed not too far from him and licked her lips, about to eat her apple. He couldn't take it anymore, he just had to ask her.

"Selina," She stopped mid-bite and looked at him, her brows raised. "about last night." He rubbed the back of his neck, a blush creeping its way up. Selina's face went stoic, emotionless. She thought he was going to say it didn't mean anything, that another person was going to leave her. She was ready to go off on him, ready to get up and run out the window. What she wasn't ready for was him saying; "It-it wasn't a dream, was it."
Selina's face showed pure shock but she quickly tried to cover it up. "N-no. It wasn't." That smirk was back. "Why? Do you dream about me?" Bruce's face was now fully red. "N-no no. I was j-just making sure." He gulped. "I really didn't want it to be." Selina looked at him curiously, then smiled. She dropped her apple onto the floor, Bruce's already there, and started to crawl towards him.
"Oh really?" She bit her lip, Bruce's Adams apple bobbed up and down. He gained some confidence and leaned towards her, their faces inches apart. "Really." He gave her a smile, his blue eyes flashing. "So," her breath was hot on his lips. "you'd wanna kiss me again?" The question was almost a command. Bruce wet his lips. "Maybe, maybe not." He said playfully. She didn't say anything else as she connected their lips, pushing him back onto the bed.
Bruce smiled into the kiss, glad he didn't have to dream to kiss her anymore.

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