Catch me if you can

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Just to warn you they're going to most likely be a little out of character in this one.

Selina brought Bruce out to the streets of Gotham for a day since neither of them had anything to do, and they were feeling adventurous. After struggling to get Bruce onto the rooftops, Selina had decided to have some fun and play a little game with him.

A thin layer of snow crunched under their shoes as they walked. A sudden wind swept past them and Bruce shivered from the cold as he pulled his dark, thick jacket closer to his body. He looked up to Selina and saw she was unbothered by the late-winter breeze, despite having less layers of clothing on than him.

His brow furrowed in concern for her. He didn't know how she survived in these harsh streets, and made it seem so easy. He sometimes wanted to take her away from all this and bring her back to his mansion, where she would be much safer and warmer and cared for. All he wanted was for her to be safe. But he knew she wouldn't like the idea.
Selina flicking him in the head jerked him away from his thoughts.

"Hello? Anyone there?"
She said, annoyance in her voice. She was about to flick him again but stopped when he swatted her hand away.

"Ow! What was that for!"
Agitation was clear in his voice. He gently rubbed at the dull pain now on his forehead. Selina rolled her eyes.

"You're such a baby sometimes."
Bruce glared at her. She just smirked in response.

"What did you want?"
His hand dropped to his side as the dull pain  faded.

"I wanted to play a game."
She said slyly. Her green eyes lit up with mischief.
His brows rose with curiosity, but he looked at her warily.

"What kind of game?"
He asked slowly, worry taking over the agitation in his voice. Selina put a hand on her hip.

"A fun game."
Bruce could see his breath as he huffed and gave her a blank stare.

"Care to be a little more specific."

"Nah, I like mysteries."

Bruce crossed his arms.

"And what if I don't want to play this mysterious game of yours?"

"Then you can go back to having fun at your boring mansion."

Selina shivered and rubbed her hands together in an effort to keep warm. She turned slightly away from Bruce, not wanting him to see her weak.
His brows furrowed in worry once again. He took off his gloves and reached out to her.

"I'll play your 'game', but only if you put these on."

Selina looked at the gloves then back up at Bruce as she raised an eyebrow quizzically. Bruce only gave her a stern look in return. She rolled her eyes as she snatched the gloves from him. She quickly slipped the gloves on, her hands already starting to slowly warm up. A small blush appeared on her cheeks.

She mumbled shyly.

"There, was that so hard?"
Bruce said as he gave her an almost smug smile, red growing on his cheeks as well. He chuckled as Selina lightly pushed him.

"So what is the mysterious game of yours?"

"It's simple, really. You catch me and I'll do anything you ask."
Her smirk made its way back on to her face.

Bruce x Selina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now