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I'm warning you Selina is prettyyy out of character in this one.

Bruce and Selina were on Bruce's balcony outside of his study. Selina was sitting on the railing, the setting sun warm on her back as she faced Bruce. He was leaning against the closed door, his arms crossed. He quickly looked her up and down, a small smile on his face. He was glad she was here  Selina simply raised an eyebrow at him in question. His smile quickly turned shy.

"How have you been, Selina?" He asked hesitantly.

"Oh I've been just grand, Bruce. How 'bout yourself?" Selina replied, sarcasm lacing every word.

Bruce rolled his eyes. Selina smirked as she kicked her legs out in front of her childishly, which seemed to annoy Bruce more.

"Can you ever answer a question without being sarcastic?" He asked, slightly angry.

"I dunno. Can you ever stop brooding?" She quipped back, throwing her curly hair out of her face.

Her smirk grew as mischief lit up her green eyes. Bruce's jaw tightened and his brows slightly furrowed, a clear sign of his frustration with her. All he wanted was a straight answer.



Bruce clenched his jaw. His dark hair swayed as he shook his head at her. Selina just smiled at him. She loved to annoy him, loved how he gets so riled up.

"Why do you always have to be so damn sarcastic?" Bruce said angrily as his eyes snapped up back to her.

The smile was wiped off her face and was replaced with surprise. Her eyes widened and she recoiled back slightly. She knew it annoyed him, but she never knew he'd get so angry over it.

"W-what?" She stuttered, which was very unlike her.

Bruce pinched the bridge of his and looked down again. She never meant to make him so angry.

"Why can't you ever talk without being sarcastic or dodging my questions? Why can't we just have a straight forward conversation?" He said sternly.

Bruce had taken a couple steps toward her and was now within arms reach. His eyes were raging, his brows furrowed. She gulped as he got closer.

"I-I don't do that!" Selina said, trying to defend herself.

"Yes you do. You know you do. Why?"

Selina looked down as she tried to come up with something to say.

"I just-"

She stopped mid sentence when she looked back up at him. What was left of the setting sunlight hit Bruce's dark eyes just right, making them seem hypnotic. Even more than usual. A cooling summer breeze blew past them and ruffled his hair.
He looks cute with messy hair. She thought.
She snapped out of her daze when he spoke again.

"Why, Selina?" He said desperately as his eyes softened.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself. She opened her eyes and looked more serious then Bruce had ever seen her.

"I like you, Bruce." She confessed.

Bruce's mouth fell open in shock. His eyes widening and brows raising. Red bloomed on his cheeks. He tried to say something but couldn't. She looked away from him as she continued.

"Like, a lot. And I don't know how to deal with it o-or show it."

She started making making gestures with her hands, showing how nervous she was.

"I-I've never felt this way about someone. And I don't even know how to act around you. You-you make me feel things I've never felt before and t-that scares the hell outta me."

By the time Selina finished talking, her entire face and the tip of her ears were red. She stopped waving her hands around and let them rest in her lap. She glanced up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, anything. All she saw was his mouth agape. His eyes trained on her, unblinking. She looked back down, refusing to meet his gaze.
Bruce couldn't stop staring at her. He was absolutely baffled. He couldn't believe she confessed that. He couldn't believe she liked him back.

"Well? Are you gonna say something?" Selina said snapping him out of his daze.

She was looking up at him from under her lashes and Bruce couldn't help but notice how absolutely breathtaking she looked. Her eyes seemed to glow that beautiful green that always mesmerized him, and her wild, curly hair framed her face perfectly.
God, she's beautiful. He thought.
He blinked a couple times and shook his head, trying to collect his thoughts.

"So you're saying that you have feelings for me?"
Bruce said finally.

Selina just stared at him.

"No, Bruce I was confessing my feelings to the plant behind you. It's my one true love." She deadpanned and put her hand over her heart to emphasize.

Bruce glared at her.

"Sorry." She mumble while dropping her head.

He sighed through his nose.

"It's fine, Sel. Just, every once in awhile, I want us to be able to have a serious conversation. And I know it's going to be hard, but I also want us to be able to talk about our feelings."

When he finished, he looked at Selina and saw that a blush had, once again, appeared on her cheeks. He felt an identical one spread onto his face, as well. He looked away from her.
Their blushes slowly faded as silence surrounded them. A few moments later Selina spoke:

"Well, I told you about my feelings,"

She stopped and gripped the rail that she was sitting on until her knuckles turned white. She took a deep breath.

"Why don't you tell me about yours."

Bruce gulped. He took a small step towards her.

"You wanna know my feelings?"

She nodded. He took another step.

"I like you."

A small smile appeared on his face as he let out a small laugh.

"Like, a lot." He repeated the words she had said to him earlier. 

He took on last step towards her. Now he was standing mere inches from her, his legs brushing up against hers. A smile broke out onto Selina's face as she stared at him, pure joy shining in both of their eyes.

Bruce's smile turned somewhat shy again as he looked down at Selina's lips, then wet his own. Selina wasted no time and quickly grabbed his shirt pulling his lips down to hers. As soon as their lips touched they both felt fireworks everywhere. Their lips moved in sync and his hands soon shot to her waist and held her tightly. Her hands slid from his shirt and into his hair, pulling on it slightly. It drove Bruce crazy. The kiss had started out slow and sweet, but quickly became heated as Selina wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer.

The kiss went on for a while longer before Bruce, reluctantly, pulled away. They were both breathless, faces flushed and lips swollen. Bruce broke out into the biggest, goofiest grin, the corners of his eyes crinkling, too. Selina giggled and pushed him away, though she couldn't keep the grin from spreading onto her face.

Maybe being sarcastic every once in awhile wasn't so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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