Crazy? I prefer Genius.

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Maybe I shouldn't jump all into this story as you see there is a lot to go on,in the many words and twists. You see,I change,yes change. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm sad. One minute I'm ugly,the next I'm the most beautiful person you'll see. Look deep inside, hidden messages. Yes yes. Many hidden messages deep in these long paragraphs to come.

Don't think because I'm simply made up that I am not watching you read this story, word for word. Yes your eyes they skim over the words like you have nothing left to do. You get home from school/ work,a long day, and you think,why am I here. A walking exticential crisis...yes infact that's what I am.

Schizophrenic, if you wish to call me. I am simply a voice in your head reading this all to you, yes, now you're thinking long and hard about what the voice sounds like. To me, it's the sound of velvet, other times stones and growls.

Long nights of thinking, hoping, dreaming, or maybe just simply reading something you find on an app. Yes just something simple to put your messy mind back to place. Something calming.

This in fact isn't calming, no, no, not this one. Not just a tad bit as you see, you may think im crazy but in fact I'm smart. So smart. A genius if you must. Yes genius. That's what I am.

See, you're reading this hoping it won't confuse you in the least bit but you wait here, it'll get tricky as you think you know,but you really don't. Remember I'm only the voice in your head. Reading this to you. Maybe in a soft velvety voice, smooth and pretty. Or maybe in the deepest growl.

Crazy. Yeah maybe I am crazy but how could you possibly know? You dont know me. Although you might think that I'm crazy. Yes that's what I am crazy.

Twists? Yes many twists in this. One minute I'll be talking completely fine and soundin' normal, the next you're wishing you wouldn't have started reading the anticipation has you stuck. Yes, yes. Stuck. very stuck.

You want to stop reading and you can, I don't mind just remember I'm watching,waiting for you to catch what I'm saying to you. Yes, watching. Every breath you take and every word you read.

Can't have fun when your scared. Are you scared? No? how am I not scaring you like I should? Let's go back on a little history now. I'll tell you the story of how I died. The innocent, little red head, scared in the woods.


When i was about 16 I went out with a bunch of my friends to this party. Much to my dismay,(since I had anxiety disorder),it was in the woods. The darker it got the more my heart jumped out of my chest in simple beats. They all told me to calm down, and not be so paranoid. Years earlier, a boy named Danny got murdered here in these woods, little did they know that it was these parts.

A few hours into the party a few guys in masks showed up, a little sketchy to me. I continued to dance have fun when the first slash went down. My friend got stabbed. I ran into the woods scared to look back. A shack is the only thing I found, you see i wasn't exactly the smartest and I ran in. I called the cops. On the way to get me one of the guys came in the house, let me explain I was hiding far to clever to let him find me. The cops showed up and I had blood all over my white dress. A knife in hand and stab wounds all over me. They saved me. I started talking to something. Loony bin. That's where I was. For 29 years tied up in a white uncomfortable jacket with strains and a huge padded room. My hair turned grey and I soon died by making myself crazy.


Crazy is what I am. Yes extrememly crazy in fact there where no guys, it was all me, I killed my friends, then stabbed myself to make the blood just seem like mine. Clever right. But how I ended up I didn't like.

Help. Yes help. Is what I wanted. Thats all I wanted. But they just kept. Pushing. Dear friends of mine, will never see a freckle on my nose again. She can't. Shes dead. I killed her and covered her in her blood.

My scar on my eye. That was my dad. He got mad and threw a bottle at my head. I got upset at that and killed him, baithing in his blood. Licking my fingers after all the blood in his body drained. Yes yes. I killed my family. That's why I'm here now.

Oh you thought I was dead? How would I be dead if I was telling you this story now? Silly little teenagers. Always poking around in people's business. Pitty.

Names. What where there names. I killed the other reader. Don't remember their names. Ahh silly me, always forgetting. She had brown hair and dark brown eyes. Kinda looks like you..

Many twists. I'm not dead.. my hairs not red. Ahh I didn't kill anyone. As people call me crazy, making things up for people's happiness. you're probably exiting right now if you already haven't. But that's okay.

I'm only the voice in you're head. Reading these things to you as you go.

Okay all this was made up comment what you think ig, kinda got bored wanted to write a short story and got here. Bye xx- not a cereal killer (i know thats not how you spell it im trying to be funny)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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