Most of these couples are unofficial but I'm shippin' 'em anyway!
Liamaya = Liam Marvella and Amaya Lord
Celiam = Celeste Woods and Liam Marvella
Amikah = Amaya Lord and Mikah Del Fitz
Chloenry = Chloe Jackson and Henry Oh
Chrileste = Celeste Woods and Chris Lyyan
Julialex = Julia Ryan and Alex Jason
Litavia = Liam Marvella and Octavia Brown
Shane = Sasha Del Fitz and Zane Vartix
Athemesses = Athena Clare and Ramesses Adam
Juteo = Julia Ryan and Mateo Blake
((All da ladies luv Liam))

Powerful (Roleplay Finished/Completed/Ended)
SonstigesDear ______________________, I must inform you that your life in is grave danger. All will be explained when you arrive at this address: 56 Trayler Street Colorado In the envelope there should be enough to fund your trip should you choose to use it...