Chapter 1: Early Release

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"Say what you want to say and let the words fall out. Honestly I wanna see you be brave!"

I jumped as my alarm was going off since my phone was so close to my ear while sleeping. I turn it off. It was 5:30am on a Friday morning. I had an hour to get ready before I had to catch the bus.

I sit up on my bed and stretched a little, put my black slippers on and walked to the bathroom.I had really bad bed head hair when I looked in the mirror. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put a headband to keep my hair away from my face as I start to wash my face. When I was done I dabbed my face with a towel and brushed my teeth. Once I was done I walked back to my room. I then got my deodorant and put it on.I walked to my closet and looked for something to wear. I decided to wear blue skinny jeans, a red and white baseball shirt and some red Vans.

I went back into the bathroom and decided to straighten my hair pin straight except my bangs which I liked to blow dry into side-swept bangs. After doing my hair I put my red Neff beanie on. I sprayed some Abercrombie perfume on. It was 6:20 I ran to get a Go-Gurt from the fridge and grabbed my white and pink wheeled Penny Board and ran out the door to my bus stop. I got there a little early so I just put my headphones in and started hearing some music on Pandora and eating my Go-Gurt.
The bus was here I just hopped onto the bus and went to the back where my Bestfriend Taylor was already sitting. She brang her Penny Board too! It was mostly quiet because it was pretty early and we were still getting other people at other stops. When we got to school Taylor and I walked to the cafeteria and just sat and talked until all our other friends.


My phone went off. It was a tweet.

"@magcontour: Next stop Dallas Texas!"

I tried so hard to not scream but I just bursted out! "AHHHHHHHH!" Everyone turned to me. Gave me a weird look. Taylor looked at her phone then looked at me with a happy look. We both started major fan girling!

And still all of our friends were giving us a weird look until one asked "Why are you guys screaming like Justin Bieber walked into the room?"

I sat down and Taylor sat next to me. "MAGCON IS COMING TO TEXAS!"

"What's MAGCON?"

😱 (mine and Taylor's face)

I was about to explain calmly until I got interrupted by Taylor starting to bable about it. I was to busy going onto the website to see if the tickets were open for sale. They weren't.


"@magcontour: we will announce once the tickets are open for sale!"

Nice timing.


It was time to go to first period. I really didn't want to be in school today since they could announce when the tickets are open at anytime! Thank The Lord it was half-day! Phew.

Me and Taylor had all our classes together except first period. So we went our desperate ways. While on our phones. We both had science first period, just different teachers. Since all the teachers were cool all day, all I was on my phone mostly during first period. The rest of the 7 periods me and Taylor fan girled about MAGCON coming to Texas. Finally it was the middle of the day so that means we got out!!!

Taylor and I went to the park which was a block away from the school. We walked there just talking about boys and girl stuff. Once we got on our Penny Boards and started riding around the cement basketball quarts since it was empty. I took my GoPro out of my backpack and started recording ourselves skating around.


It was a tweet!!!

"@magcontour:TICKETS NOW FIR SALE!!! (Ticket link here)"

I was paying to much attention on my phone and getting the tickets I didn't notice that there was a huge crack in the concrete. My penny board stopped and I fell off and landed on my hands and knees. Thank god I remembered to put my OtterBox this time Penny Boarding. I then yelled to Taylor "THE TICKETS ARE OPEN!" We botch got on our phones and bought VIP tickets. We were so excited! But we were kind of pooped from fan girling about them all day. So we went back to Penny Boarding. It was getting pretty boring and we were getting tired. So we skated to 7 eleven. We both got Arizona Tea. Taylor got sour patch kids and I got gushers. I love gushers! We decided to go home. When I got home I threw all my stuff on the floor in my room. My mom wasn't home yet since she gets out at 11 and my older brother just stays in his room playing Xbox all day. I grabbed my laptop ,layed on my stomach on the bed and got on iMovie and edited mine and Taylor's video that I shot today. Once I was done I put it on YouTube. I had a lot of other videos of us skating. I got a ton of views on them! I had about 500,000 subscribers. When I was done I went on tumblr and played music til I fell asleep. I'm super excited to go to MAGCON next weekend!

"""Hope you enjoyed. I know this is sort of gets off the topic of MAGCON at times but later on it'll get there. I just want to take it pretty slow. If you read this thanks for reading!(: Greatly Appreciated! Next Chapter will be up tomorrow."""

In Your Eyes I'm Just a Fan In a Crowd (Aaron Carpenter Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now