scene one

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DONGHYUCK & MARK are laid across DONGHYUCK's bed as they both munch on extremely unhealthy but cheap snacks. Not only themselves and snacks laid on the bed, but also colorful Uno cards.

[DONGHYUCK]: Plus four... blue!

[MARK]: Ugh, you suck pickles. (Mark sits up and draws four cards and scans for a blue card. Places a blue eight and lays back down)

[DONGHYUCK]: Lmao, nice comeback. (Donghyuck places a blue two on top of the used-card deck and reaches for a Snickers Bar)

[MARK]: Fudge off.

[DONGHYUCK]: Hm.. how 'bout no? (Mark huffs as he places a blue plus-two card)

[MARK]: Ya know.. Uno isn't as fun with just two people compared to seven.

[DONGHYUCK]: It was your idea~

[MARK]: Not like you had any other good idea.. unless you want to talk about Penelope's confession??

MARK sits up and softly slams his card-hand onto DONGHYUCK's bed. He reaches for a water bottle and chugs half of it down before readjusting and now laying on his stomach as his hands prop up his face and eyes DONGHYUCK.

[DONGHYUCK]: If anything, it's the last thing I want to be talking about... especially with you! (Donghyuck sits up as well and opens the wrapper, biting into the chocolate bar)

[MARK]: Well first, rude! And second, dude you'll eventually have to face her someday.. as in that someday being Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and every other day in the school year.

[DONGHYUCK]: Shut up Mark.. I hate it when you're right. (Mark cockily smiles at Donghyuk)

[DONGHYUCK]: But she confessed with a food pun.. my mortal enemy!

[MARK]: I thought Chenle was your mortal enemy..?

[DONGHYUCK]: Okay yeah but for different reasons! ... I just don't know how to respond.

[MARK]: Well do you like her? Not as a friend but as a potential girlfriend, lover, wife, mother of your ugly children- (Donghyuck cuts off Mark, frowns and throws a pillow at Mark)

[DONGHYUCK]: Stop joking around Mark Lee! Geez.. to think I willingly held your hand through that haunted house in 2009.

[MARK]: Bro. Just answer the question. (Donghyuck taps his right index on his chin as he pretends to think)

[DONGHYUCK]: I don't know.. (Mark groans and face-plants into the bed)

[MARK]: What do you mean by 'I don't know'? It's a simple 'yes' or 'no' question dude!

[DONGHYUCK]: I'm sorry but I just can't do love!

[MARK]: Neither can I but yo, I'm still living!

[DONGHYUCK]: Can you at least help me buy some time before she starts to expect an answer?

[MARK]: Just... act normal I guess? Don't let her know that this is affecting you big time or she'll get anxious and ask for an answer!

[DONGHYUCK]: But Penelope isn't like that.. she can immediately tell if there's something wrong with us... like a fudging metal detector but with FEELINGS! (Donghyuck exclaims and flings his hands into the air)

[MARK]: Oh crap.. you're right.

[DONGHYUCK]: I know I am! Remember when Jeno failed his algebra test and Penelope had all of us come over for pizza and ice cream.. just so Jeno wouldn't sulk anymore?!

[MARK]: Yeah.. Dude, Penelope is amazing. Why won't you go out with her? (Donghyuck groans)

[DONGHYUCK]: Because I don't know how I exactly feel about her! Gosh, Mark why don't you go date her instead?

[MARK]: Well I'm not the one she confessed to~ I follow the Bro Code and won't make a move on another bro's girl. (proudly states and pats his chest with a balled-up first as a sign of honor)

[DONGHYUCK]: She's not mine!

[MARK]: Not yet~



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• here's the first chapter!
penelope and the rest of
the cast will eventually
come in but as of now,
watch donghyuck struggle
with his feelings for penelope!

ㅡ monday, february 13, .17

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