scene two

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JAEMIN, wrapped in blankets and sweaters, a wet towel placed against his forehead, and a newly bought teddy bear (courtesy of PENELOPE) laid on his messy bed. PENELOPE was kneeling by his bedside table, arms on his blanket and hand holding his own.

[JAEMIN]: I'm fine Pen...

[PENELOPE]: That's not what Jaemin-over-the-phone-ten-minutes-ago said. (Penelope crosses her arms and frowns at Jaemin)

[JAEMIN]: (tries hiding a cough) Okay but I don't need you nursing me! You're my friend.. not Mom No.2.

[PENELOPE]: Says the guy who has called me 'Mom No.2' before. (Penelope furrows her eyebrows)

[JAEMIN]: Touché...

PENELOPE lets out a chuckle and flicks JAEMIN's hand (the one she was holding) before rising up from her knees, grabbing the wet towel off of JAEMIN's forehead and dipping it in the bucket that sat on JAEMIN's nightstand. Twisting the towel at its ends, unnecessary water gushed out of the towel and back into the bucket. PENELOPE refolds it into a rectangle shape and places it back on JAEMIN's still wet forehead.

[JAEMIN]: Thank you Pen... for being here for me. (the tips of his lips rise to form a warm smile at Penelope)

[PENELOPE]: (returns the smile with her eyes forming into crescents) What are best friends for Jaemin? If I didn't care about you as much as I do now, I would have let you moan in pain due to a fever.

[JAEMIN]: (Jaemin chuckles at Penelope's statement) Gosh, stop being so sentimental... it makes me wanna barf, ya know?

[PENELOPE]: Okay. I'll just be on my way then!

PENELOPE rises onto her own two feet, grabs her backpack off JAEMIN's bedroom floor and begins to make her way to his door. JAEMIN automatically shoots up from his bed and reaches out to snatch PENELOPE's wrist, having her to come to a halt.

[PENELOPE]: I knew you would want me back. (Penelope cockily speaks at Jaemin)

[JAEMIN]: (mockingly laughs) Wow, very funny Pen.

[PENELOPE]: I know I'm very funny Jaemin! (she cheers)

JAEMIN just shakes his head at PENELOPE and lays back down on his comfy bed. PENELOPE drops her backpack onto his bedroom floor again and sits on the right side of JAEMIN's bed. JAEMIN takes PENELOPE's hand and entangles it with his own. He leans his head into his pillow and was ready to close his eyes before fully knowledging PENELOPE's backpack.

[JAEMIN]: Why do you have your school backpack... on a Sunday? (Jaemin questions with interest and raises a brow)

[PENELOPE]: Oh.. well, in which school do you learn to make ice cream?

[JAEMIN]: What?

[PENELOPE]: Just answer the question man.

[JAEMIN]: (huffs but obliges) Uh... I don't know, what?

[PENELOPE]: (evil grin appears on Penelope's face) Sunday School! (Penelope motions jazz hands with flare)

[JAEMIN]: (couldn't help but laugh at Penelope's charm) Oh my god... You're such a dork I swear to God Pen! (Jaemin's full-teeth smile appears)

[PENELOPE]: (laughs along with Jaemin) I'm the best dork there is though

After PENELOPE & JAEMIN's giggle-fest ended, PENELOPE stood up and grabbed her bag once more. She unzipped the first pocket before revealing still freshly bought ice cream in its container and original store bag. PENELOPE placed it on his nightstand and reaches into her pants pocket to pull out her phone, unlocking it to check for any notifications. JAEMIN's eyes followed PENELOPE's every moment and became intrigued with the semi-frozen ice cream and began to reach for it.

[PENELOPE]: (looks up from her phone and reaches for the ice cream as well) Here, let me do it Jaemie!

[JAEMIN]: (blushes at the nickname Penelope often uses for him) O-okay..

[PENELOPE]: (unwraps the container, opens it and sticks a plastic spoon into the creamy goodness) It's Vanilla, your favorite!

[JAEMIN]: Holy.. This is why you're my favorite person ever. (Jaemin grabs the spoons and sticks it in his mouth, enjoying the coldness and taste)

PENELOPE smiles at the sight of JAEMIN clearly enjoying his ice cream. She shoves the store bag into her backpack, zips it up, and hooks it onto her shoulders. JAEMIN notices this and looks up from the ice cream to question PENELOPE.

[JAEMIN]: Are you leaving already?

[PENELOPE]: Yeah, I've been here for almost an hour and I gotta see someone else this afternoon! Man.. I'm a busy cookie! (her hands land on her hips and she speaks with pride)

[JAEMIN]: Who are you seeing on a Sunday besides me? (Jaemin puts the ice cream on his nightstand and sits up)

[PENELOPE]: Donghyuck. (Penelope answered with a blank face) He texted me for not to be late or I'll be 'a rotten egg'!

[JAEMIN]: Oh.. then you should probably go. Best not to keep him waiting... (Jaemin nods at the door, hinting at Penelope)

[PENELOPE]: See you later Jaemie! (Penelope exclaims as she walks to the door, opens, and exits his room with one final wave and smile)

[JAEMIN]: (waves back) See you later Pen...

As PENELOPE's presence left JAEMIN's room, he slid back down and eyed the melting ice cream. His now-cold right hand (missing the warmth of PENELOPE's) reached for the ice cream yet gave up as his index touched the tip of the spoon. JAEMIN tucked himself back into the fluffy blankets and dressed his arm over his eyes and groaned with frustration.

[JAEMIN]: Crap...



• betcha yall didn't see that coming

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• betcha yall didn't
see that coming.
i finally found the
time to write scene
two ^^ updates
may be monthly until
school is over!

ㅡ tuesday, march 15, .17

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