spine breaker

503 39 13

They were six when they first met. He was sprawled on the floor, nose bleeding profusely. She wore a pretty floral dress, but it was stained by blood that was not hers.

On that very day, she, the new transfer student, singlehandedly beat up not one, no two, but four boys that were at least twice her size, all while managing to look like a beautiful, smiling angel.

To him, that is. To the rest, she looked like a demon spawned from Hell. Heck, she could've been Satan herself!

"Why don't you guys punch him again? I dare you."

The four boys on the floor whimpered and shook their heads, not daring to make a move against the smiling girl. She didn't look dangerous at all, but judging by the injuries she inflicted on those bullies, she definitely wasn't someone you should mess with.

A broken nose. A black eye. A scraped knee. Large purple-ish bruises here and there.

Wow. Looks sure can be deceiving, huh?

He managed a small giggle as the bullies immediately started running away, even tripping on their own feet when all she did was walk one step closer to them, presumably to give them a verbal warning.

Not that it was necessary anyway.

"You okay?"

He looked up. She was now standing next to him, a concerned expression on her face, though still looking as beautiful as ever. She showed no hostility at all, different from how her words were like sugared poison when she was talking to the bullies.

He nodded limply.

"Thank you for saving me."

She smiled.

"Don't mention it. They needed a taste of their own medicine anyway."

He nodded lightly at her statement. She had a point. Ever since his first year in the kindergarten, those bullies have been going after him whenever they can. Nobody bothered to do or say anything. Until she came.

'She must be an angel,' he thought.

"Anyway, my name's Minatozaki Sana. Yours?"

He almost gasped at her sudden introduction. Was this real? Was she actually interested in being friends with him?

"K-Kim Taehyung," he stuttered, unable to respond properly due to his overwhelming happiness.

Minatozaki Sana, his first friend!

Sana took out a small handkerchief from her pocket and gently wiped the blood off Taehyung's bleeding nose.

"Come on, let me stop the bleeding..."

Taehyung's face went red. She was so close to him... She was touching his face, caring for him! He felt happy yet flustered yet scared yet anxious yet-

There were no words to properly describe how he was feeling right now.

"S-Sana-ah, can we be... friends?" he asked, excited and hopeful.

Sana laughed. "Silly Taehyung, I've already considered you my first friend in Korea! You didn't have to ask that question~"

Taehyung swore he could burst out of happiness.

"T-thank you so much S-sana!"

He hugged her, and she hugged him back. An innocent gesture of friendship between two not so normal six year olds.

"That's why... Taehyung, if anyone else comes and hurts you..." she said, her voice kind and soothing, music to Taehyung's ears.

"Mhm...?" he asked.

"... let me know, so I can break their spines~" she giggled, looking all innocent and adorable despite how morbid her words were.

And that's when Taehyung thought,

'Minatozaki Sana really is an angel.'

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