cheer up

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If you were to yalk about Minatozaki Sana, you'd probably say...

Child prodigy, academic genius, an amazing athlete, and despite not being as well known for her beauty as school beauty queen Chou Tzuyu was, Sana had an irresistable charm to her. People just can't seem to dislike her.

Everything was perfect.

Except, maybe her unhealthy obsession with her best friend, Kim Taehyung.

She had taken an interest in him for quite some time... Basically, it was a long story, but let's save that for next time, alright?

Speaking of Taehyung, or as she liked to call him, TaeTae, Sana noticed that something had gone wrong after Mr. Kim scolded them, no, he had scolded Taehyung only, during detention.

Not that it took her much work to spot the differences from the current Taehyung and his usual behaviour, though. The stark contrast between the energetic ball of sunshine she knew and the raincloud that was about to burst into tears any second now was painfully obvious.

And that angered her.

Nobody hurts her Kim Taehyung.

Straight after sending a teary-eyed Taehyung home and staying for a while to chat with his grandmother, Sana waved the small family goodbye and went on her way.

She reached for her cellphone and dialed a number she knew by heart.

The owner of that number instantly picked up the phone. "Good evening, Minatozaki-sama, how may I be of service to you?"

Sana grinned, loving the sense of power she got when Myoui Kai, heir of one of Japan's most dangerous underground organizations, called her "Minatozaki-sama".

In the underground, the "-sama" honorific was given only those who earned their respect.

And Minatozaki Sana was one of the youngest to ever ever achieve such high level of honor.

"Myoui-san," she greeted him sweetly, "Remember that elementary school teacher, Kim Heechul?"

A low hum can be heard from the other end of the line.

"Yes. You had asked me to get some men to keep tabs on all the school's teachers, including him," Kai replied.

"And I understand he cheated on his wife, Kim Sohee, on more than one occasion, am I right?" Sana asked again.

A strong "Mhm" can be heard from Kai. "Minatozaki-sama, our best informants have collected many evidences of him being unfaithful," he assured Sana. Sana knew he would speak of his informants with this much pride, and she also knew he had the rights to brag.

After all, his sister Myoui Mina, yet another child prodigy, has been one of the most sought after informants in the underground as well.

"Not only that, we also have evidence suspected pedophilic interest in one of your classmates."

Now that statement alarmed her.

"Kim Taehyung?" she growled, tone dangerously low.

Kai, knowing the hostility was not intended for him, kept his calm. "No. Hirai Momo. We have our men secretly keeping an eye out for her, so she has not heen harmed yet so far."

Typical Myoui Kai. Ever since Mina was almost kidnapped, the gang leader had been extra protective over children even though they weren't related to him. 

Sana's memory brought back an image of a smiling, naive-looking Japanese girl, who had big eyes and a cute appearance in general. She was popular, but also quite clumsy, and lovable even though her grades weren't the best.

Her dancing skills could intimidate the hell out of professional dancers her age though.

Sana sighed in relief. "Oh, her. That kid's too trusting. I'll take care of her for you. Your men might scare her if they get too close..."

"Alright, Minatozaki-sama."

"By the way, send me the intel you've got. I also need about six or seven men of yours to meet me at the usual place tonight at 9. Thank you for your cooperation, Myoui-san. Don't forget to thank Minari too."

"You're most welcome, Minatozaki-sama. I'm glad to be of service to you. Mina sends her regards."

Sana could hear the smile in his voice as he hung up.

She had a smile of her own too.

After all, she had decided that Mr. Kim Heechul will have to pay for making her TaeTae cry.




The next day.

Sana and Taehyung were greeted by multiple posters of Mr. Kim making out with women on the street. Said posters have been pasted all around and inside the elementary school, and all the children who have seen it felt confused and disgusted.

The principal, upon finding out about the existence of these posters, immediately demanded for Mr. Kim to leave the school and for the cleaning staff to wrap up the mess.

Mr. Kim left in humiliation, and before long the whole neighbourhood had gotten wind of him being a cheating asshole.

Attempts to identify the "Robin Hood" who exposed Mr. Kim in such an explicit way were futile, Sana made sure of that by getting a hacker to disable the CCTVs in the school and surrounding areas to prevent Sana and her team from getting caught.


Taehyung's voice snapped Sana out of her thoughts.

"Yes, TaeTae?" she smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Kim..." the boy looked scared, and shocked at the same time. Well, Mr. Kim was quite well known in school for being a fun teacher to be around with. Only Taehyung was treated differently for being one of the "bad students".

"Well, Tae, he's a terrible person, so cheer up, alright?" Sana shrugged innocently, "He deserved it. Karma' getting him back."

Taehyung looked a bit more relieved now. "I'm happy bad guys like him get their payback..."

Sana nodded. "The universe doesn't hate you after all~"

"You're right, Sana! The universe really does have its way of cheering me up, huh?" Taehyung's small smile was now a full blown grin, and it made Sana's heart flutter.

"Yes..." she replied, her eyes fixated on him.

"... The universe really wants you to cheer up."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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