like a fool

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"You're such a fool for hanging out with that loser Kim Taehyung, Sana-sshi."

Sana, now a sixth grader that was deemed a prodigy by many, narrowed her eyes at that remark.

She was standing at the hallway, just in front of Taehyung's class, waiting for him to finish detention so that they can go home together. She didn't mind the long wait. After all, this was her Taehyung that she was waiting for.

Sana clenched her fists, resisting an urge to just punch the face of this... ignorant girl who dared to insult Taehyung in front of her.

But Sana was a prodigy for a reason. She knew very well that blindly starting a fight would land her in trouble, no matter how much prettier she thought that girl's face would look like with a few bruises and cuts her and there.

So, instead of attempting to rip someone's head off, Sana faked a smile and asked, "Why so?"

That girl, or rather, Lee Hayoung, the school's Queen Bee to be specific, rolled her eyes at her.

"Sana-sshi," Hayoung started off, "Don't you see it? Everyone says the same thing. Taehyung can't pass a paper to save his own life. You're an ace when it comes to grades..." She sighed dramatically, increasing Sana's annoyance towards her.

"Besides," she continued, "Pretty girls shouldn't hang around lame boys. The cute ones are all lining up to talk to you. Why waste your time with a dumb kid who isn't even cute or talented in anything?"

Sana's fake smile faded, her expression darkening by the second.

And that was the moment when Lee Hayoung knew she screwed up.



The sound of her name being called as she walked into the detention room made her smile. Only one person dared to call her "Sana" without honorifics of any sort.

Kim Taehyung.

He flashed her his rectangle smile, while she flashed him a genuine, bright grin that she only saved for him and him alone.

"Hi, Tae!" she gave him a graceful little wave, surprising the teacher im charge.

"Minatozaki Sana...? Why are you here? Aren't you an honor student?" said teacher asked.

Sana's grin disappeared, replaced by her usual fake friendly smile. An expression she often used when she was being polite for the sake of not ruining her reputation.

"I beat up the school director's daughter, sir," she stated calmly.

Both Taehyung and the teacher looked shocked. The teacher reluctantly told her to sit down, expressing his disbelief that the Minatozaki Sana, the school's angelic best student, had actually caused Lee Hayoung, the school director's daughter to end up in the hospital with a broken nose.

When Sana finally took a seat beside Taehyung, she heard him ask.

"What the heck, Sana? Why'd you do that?"

She glanced at him. He was frowning, looking quite unhappy with the situation. Aw. He was worried for her!

"She said bad things about you," Sana replied simply.

Taehyung huffed. "You didn't have to beat her up for that! You might get expelled! Director Lee loves his daughter so much!"

Sana rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I know."

Now Taehyung looked annoyed. "Then why did you go on anyway?!"

Sana raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "So that at least I can be in detention with you."

Taehyung shook his head, but eventually cracked a half smile that said "you're such an idiot, oh my goodness". Sana didn't need him to say those words. She already knew.

But he said it anyway. "Minatozaki Sana, you're such a fool."

She chuckled.

"Only for you, Kim Taehyung. Only for you."

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