The ship was sinking but I boarded anyway

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The door of the servants quarters creeks open like a siren, interrupting the symphony of the forest at night. Inside Charlotte waits by the door, she knew I would follow. Only a few other servants finished their duties and decided to sleep here tonight. I glance over each one—five—then settle on Charlotte's face.

"Tell me. Tell me you don't love me. Tell me you hate me," I beg. I will never stop loving her, but how could I expect her to love me? A Silver. A Samos...All the Red servants stare, eager to soak up more Silver drama.

"Please," I continue, "I need to hear you say it."

She bites her lip, nervous under my gaze. Her blood-shot eyes dart around the room.

"Charlie–" I whisper, and reach towards her. She flinches and in that instant my heart jerks with the worst pain I've felt in my miserable life. She's shaking. She's scared of me? I shatter. My hand falls like dead weight by my side. My shoulders slump.

She doesn't need to say it, I realize, her body says enough. I turn around and retreat from the servant's quarters. Embarrassed. Ashamed. She could never love the beast I've become.

"Wait," her voice shakes but stops my descent into the darkness of the night and my soul. She steps towards me and shakes her head. I squint, curious. As she looks up she grabs my shirt and pulls my face towards her.

"I hate you," she says and presses her lips against mine. My mind is lost but my heart doesn't care. My mouth opens as our tongues play between kisses. Enraptured, I sweep her into my arms. Instincts take over. I forget where we are and our audience as my hands travel down her back. I squeeze and lift her in my arms as her legs wrap around my hips. With much difficulty I force myself to pull my lips away from hers. There's something I have to do.

"Charlotte Sparron..." I say with labored breath. Why is my heart beating so fast? "I pledge myself to you."

"Stop," she cries and kisses my cheek. "You don't know what you're saying."

Louder, I repeat. "I, Lucas Samos of house Samos, pledge myself to you, Charlotte Sparron." I lean back to see her better, "Do you accept?"

Her breath quickens while I hold mine.

"Of course I accept," she says and tries to pull me in for another kiss. Though I long to taste her lips, the lips of my bride, I resist. Two more things must happen to make this official. In the light of the dim lantern I glance around the room, pausing on each person. They stare back with gaping mouths and wide eyes.

"Do you witness?" I shout to the room.

"Uhm-yes! We witness!" A voice answers but is soon joined by others.

"We witness!"

Although Silver weddings are obnoxiously extravagant, only two things are actually required to make the marriage official. The first thing—obtain a witness—is complete. Now the second part—the fun part—can begin.

Charlotte grins knowingly. Her face burns but the blush in her cheeks is not embarrassment. It reflects a fire in her eyes. I kiss her again and carry her outside. Some of the servants giggle while others throw pillows and urge them to hush.

"Love is beautiful," someone whispers.

Charlotte keeps her legs locked around my hips, combing my hair with her fingers as we step down the stairs. Gently I set her on the railing.

"What happens now?" She whispers, a tint of nervousness cracks her voice.

I shrug and kiss her forehead. "I'll build you a castle, my princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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