This is the banquet. My heart, the buffet. Take what you want.

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"So," a voice hisses. "You've returned...alive."

I don't need to open my eyes to know there's a blonde haired demon standing at the foot of my bed.

"You're disappointed." I grunt and roll over, hoping she will leave. If she hadn't disturbed me I could have slept for a week. I wait, but there's no sound. She's still there...The blanket rolls down my bare chest as I sit up.

Evangeline eyes me suspiciously, updating my risk-rating in her mind as she estimates my battle-hardened strength. Five years at war trained my mind and transformed my body. Whatever rating she chose for me, she steps back and hesitates slightly before speaking again.

"Actually, I'm glad. You know you're my favorite cousin." She coos and begins to list all her sufferings. "The house has been so dull without you. Thames isn't much of a sparring partner, he's barely better than a Red. They don't put up much of a fight either. However, there was one Red, one with more fight than the rest. Oh—what was she called. Charlene? I loved to–"

"What did you do?" I say through clenched teeth. "Where is she?"

Evangeline smirks, "You dare talk to me like that, cousin? She's...around."

We stare in tense silence. I match the ferocity in her eyes. In the past I failed to protect what I loved. I failed because I was weak and afraid of Evangeline's power and blood. But now I have a power of my own, and the same blood courses through our veins, even if hers is closer to my Uncle. Power is power.

A moment later Evangeline softens her stance. She runs her hand through her hair, "A lot  changed when you left. And since you obviously don't know, I'll forgive your rude outburst. Please stop and see your dear Red. I'm sure you'll feel differently about risking your life for someone who doesn't feel the same."

"You sent me away to die." I remind her that my challenging tone went deeper than my feelings for Charlotte.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "You're not still mad about that, are you? It was for the best. Get your head out of your ass and look at what you've become! You have a hero's title, and the strength to match."

I glare at her, unflattered by her compliments.

"Get over it. You're a man now. You're welcome." With a twist and a huff she glides into the hall and out of sight.

I will never say these words out-loud but, she's right. I am stronger. I'm probably the strongest 18-year-old that's not a Royal. And I suppose, I did save some lives, or at least postponed their death sentence by a few years. I dress quickly and lightly in a cotton shirt and jeans, leaving the armor on the wall. Every molecule of metal on the property is tuned to my senses. Even without armor I'm untouchable.

I trace my way through the halls unnoticed, everyone must be busy with chores or training. Flashbacks of a carefree childhood filter through the light that passes through each window. Chasing through the hall with Thames and Joey. Playing pranks on Red servants. Getting sent to my room after playing one of Evangeline's games. My shoulders drop as I remember the many, many times I fell for her tricks. Where would I be if I never met Charlotte? Would I view Reds the same as my family? I would be a monster, but Charlotte saved me.

With renewed enthusiasm I jump down the stairs and cross the yard towards the servants inn. I doubt she'd still be sleeping, but it's a starting point.

The small building used to scare me, its wooden walls felt like strangers compared to the metal in the castle. I couldn't sense the wood, but now as I step closer I feel tiny hints metal—the hinges and nails buried in the wooden beams, reminding me I'm never defenseless. I listen at the door for movement inside, but hear nothing beyond my own breath. I reach for the doorknob and push the door open.

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