Stricken, stabbed, words softly spoken slice as well. Shocking, something sundering. Breaking bridges, cracking corners, dissolving damns, sentry speechless and a perpetrator unaware of damage done. Reaching reactions, staving razing, both thwarted by fires aptly wielded then leaving a desolate ground, black and brown, smouldering remnants smoking slowly... Wafting over, wandering on, whispered doubt and regret, without resistance met, and the battle seemed done... Then rising from the debris and ashes climbed a little green stalk. First nearly falling under its own weight, then regaining sense of orientation, resumed its climb up... Then BLASTING forth where the little green stalk had just been debris and ash flew about filling the air with grey and dust and for a moment obscuring the vision of doubt and regret, replaced the grey sky with brilliant blue rocketing its way to the sun went a new attempt, and motivation... had won.
Summarized Thoughts
KurzgeschichtenSummarized Thoughts? What is that supposed to mean? It's supposed to mean that within this virtual volume is a collection of things you thought only you had thought but now are said as well as things you haven't thought are also here said. In other...