5-20-16 Entree Seventeen

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Dear Diary,

      so i know i already wrote in here today but i figured out a lot about the word emo...

most of the videos and definitions I've come across said it meant  emotional...but I don't know those just didn't seem right so I kept looking and it turns out that emo actually is short for emo-core which is short for emotional hard core (music genre) and that actually made more sense then emotional because everyone gets emotional sooner or later, but anyway i decided to search up that music genre and the music is so nice!!! i like it!!! there was this one song i believe it was called famous last words by my chemical romance im sure it was called that but it was a beautiful piece. i think i found my new favorite band. Goodbye Austin Mahone hello MCR.

                                                                                                     Sarah =^-^=

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