Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

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Soon, it was Wednesday and Hermione was on a bus up to London with her parents. She had tried to explain the wizarding world to get parents, but it had proven too difficult

They got off the bus and Hermione led her parents to the alleyway with the Leaky Cauldron on it. She felt slightly embarrassed as they reached it; she didn't want her parents first encounter with magic to be a decrepit old pub
"Sorry, 'Mione" said her dad "what are we looking at?"
Hermione didn't understand for a second, before remembering that muggles couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron. She led her parents through the door and they both gasped when they found themselves suddenly inside a pub

Hermione quickly walked to the the room out back and pulled out her wand. Her parents were watching her with interest. They had never seen her use magic before. She tapped her wand lightly on the brick third from the left above the dustbin and watched as the wall fell away to reveal the shopping street. She grinned at her parents faces and walked casually down the street, stopping every few seconds to explain something to her dumbfounded parents. She could remember feeling the same way last year, so she was quite patient with them. However, she couldn't help but laugh when they got to Gringots wizarding bank. Her dad stared at the creature in a red and gold uniform standing outside the door
"W-W-What's that?" stammered Hermione's mum. Hermione sniggered
"That's a goblin" she said, trying to keep a straight face "they run the bank"
The goblins must have got this a lot, as the one at the door barely reacted

They walked into the main room and Hermione grinned at her parents look of awe. After a few minutes of them just staring, she got bored and led them to a counter. She cleared her throat
"Hello, we're here to exchange some muggle money" she said confidently, gesturing to her parents to hand over some money. They did so and the goblin started examining the notes under the light, checking for forgeries

Hermione got bored quite quickly, so she walked out of Gringotts and sat on the steps, waiting for Ron and Harry. She had revived a reply the day after she had sent her latest letter, saying that they could meet up. She had been glad to see that it was Hedwig, Harry's snowy owl, who was delivering the letter, and not the very ill looking Errol. Ron had also mentioned that Harry's lack of contact was due to a House Elf named Dobby, who had been intercepting their letters in a mad bid to keep Harry from Hogwarts. He didn't mention why Dobby was doing this, as he seemed not to know

She didn't have to wait very long. After about two minutes, the figures of Harry and Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts, walking round the corner towards her. Harry looked miniscule next to Hagrid, who was at least five times bigger than him. Harry looked even messier than normal, with his hair flying in all directions and his glasses broken
"Lousy Muggles" Hagrid was saying "If I'd've known -"
"Harry! Harry!" Hermione shouted "Over here!"
Harry looked up, saw her and grinned. Hermione got up and ran over to her
"What happened to your glasses?" she asked "Hello, Hagrid - Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again - Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?"
"As soon as I've found the Weasleys" said Harry.
"Yeh won't have long ter wait" said Hagrid grinning over their shoulders. They both followed his gaze and saw Ron, his older brothers Fred, George and Percy, and his dad, who was tall, with thinning hair and shabby robes
"Harry" Mr. Weasley said, gasping for breath "We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Molly's frantic - she's coming now-"
"Where did you come out?" Ron asked
"Knockturn Alley" said Hagrid grimly
"Excellent!" said Fred and George gleefully. Hermione hadn't known what they were talking about up until that point, but she did know enough about Knockturn Alley to know that it definitely wasn't excellent. Knockturn Alley was the part of Diagon Alley dedicated to dark magic, and Hermione didn't want to think about what would've happened to Harry if Hagrid hadn't found him
"We've never been allowed in" said Ron
"I should ruddy well think not" said Hagrid. Hermione had to agree, though she didn't say so.

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