Chapter 1 - Errol

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Hermione Granger sat at her desk, doing her homework. She didn't find it odd that she was using a quill. In fact, she didn't find any part of her room odd at all, despite their being pictures that moved plastered on every inch of her walls and a box in her wardrobe full of owl food. However, none of these things would be considered as odd by anyone else as the thing in her trouser pocket. Anyone nearby would've thought it was a stick, but Hermione knew better. It was, in fact, a magic wand. It wasn't a silly one that you got in joke shops, but a real one, containing the heartstring of an actual dragon. Hermione Granger was a witch, just without the warts and silly cackle. She had returned home about a month ago from her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, no one nearby knew this, as her parents weren't magical all. They were muggles, as her kind called them. They had no magical powers at all

Hermione dipped her quill into the ink pot on her desk and was about to start writing again when something outside caught her eye. She got up and looked out of the window. Suddenly, she realised what she was looking at and opened the window. A very old, very sick looking owl flew through the window and flopped onto the bed. This owls name, Hermione knew, was Errol, and it belonged to the Weasley family. The letters she got from her best friend, Ronald Weasley, we're the only sign that the last year hadn't been a dream. For some reason, she hadn't had any contact with her other best friend, Harry Potter, who had his own owl. She had mentioned this to Ron, and Hermione could only presume Errol had her reply. She gave the owl some of the owl food in her wardrobe and carefully took the roll of parchment off her leg

Hermione walked back to her desk and unrolled the parchment. She smiled; it was as if she could hear his voice:
Dear Hermione
Hi, how are you? Mum said I should start my letter like that. She says it's polite, but I think it's a bit pointless.
I got your last letter. Harry hasn't been writing to me, either. We think something has happened to him, so we are going to go and get him!
Percy hasn't been himself recently. He got his O.W.L. results and didn't boast much at all. I wish I knew what he was doing
When are you going to Diagon Alley? Can we meet up?

Hermione rolled up the parchment and put it on the pile with the other letters Ron had sent her. She quickly discarded her homework and laid out another piece of parchment. She bit the end of the quill for a second, before writing:
Dear Ron, and Harry if you're there,
I hope everything went all right and that Harry is okay and that you didn't do anything illegal to get him out, Ron, because that would get Harry into trouble, too. I've been really worried and if Harry is all right, will you please let me know at once, but perhaps it would be better if you used a different owl, because I think another delivery might finish your one off.
I'm very busy with schoolwork, of course, and we're going to London next Wednesday to buy my new books. Why don't we meet in Diagon Alley?
Let me know what's happening as soon as you can
Love from

She stopped writing and sighed. She hoped that Ron would use a different owl, but she doubted it. Ron's family weren't very well off, and with Ron's little sister, Ginny, starting Hogwarts Hermione wasn't quite sure how they were able to afford everything. She had got her book list the night before and there were seven defence against the dark arts books, all of them by someone called 'Gilderoy Lockhart', so Hermione could presume they were a fan.

She rolled up the parchment and walked over to Errol, who looked a bit better, but still tired
"Are you ready for another journey?" she asked. Errol hooted feebly, which Hermione took to mean yes. She tied the letter to Errol and carried him to the open window. She threw the owl out of the window and was momentarily scared that she had killed it, before it slowly flew high into the sky and disappeared among the clouds. She suddenly didn't feel like homework, so she lay down in bed and fell asleep, her mind full of owls and ginger haired friends

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