|Minilux| Tease

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i'm sorry for leaving again i s2g y'all better get used to it because life is difficult.
anyways thanks for spamming my notifications with an abundance of requests that i'll die before finishing them all. (: jk ily. but really i have like 42 comments or something now? jfc. this is a request as well, sorry it's short.

please know that i'm trying my best to stay active but like?? i'm getting depressed and losing motivation to do anything but hide from this world. moving on, what are you guys' favourite song atm?

Simon felt the unnerving silence and empty atmosphere cause goosebumps to form along his skin. His face felt numb from the typical bleak weather and so shoved his hands into the comforting pockets of his coat.

Suppressing a shudder, he snatched his phone from a pocket and switched it on, greeted by the familiar bright light cast by the screen. Glancing at the time, he sighed quietly. Five more minutes and the taxi will arrive, then soon enough he'd return home, safe and warm where it wasn't as grey and dull and lonely as the outside world.

Simon stared ahead blankly, a faint grin adorning his features as he recalled the moments of earlier. He had filmed a few videos with Cal and now felt warm and lively at the thought of the jokes they shared.

A single car goes past, creating the only noise he had heard in a while. A lamppost nearby flickers, its unnatural yellow gaze blinking at Simon.

Looking around now, everything felt different to the London streets he was used to. It was empty and dark, hardly anyone to be seen. Simon could hear the approaching sound of footsteps, hasty and subtle.

His blue gaze darted upwards as he noticed Cal rushing towards him, beaming widely. As he came to a halt in front of the taller boy, he caught his breath, red-faced as if running here was the most exercise he had done all year.

Cal held up his hand to reveal keys that sat upon his palm. "Idiot," he muttered jokingly, shoving them into Simon's chest, who could only retaliate with a giggle and a grateful thank-you.

Simon takes the keys and drop them into his pockets where they were safe from being left behind. "I'm sure Josh or Vik would have been home to answer the door anyway, but cheers."

Cal huffs and straightens his jacket. "Yeah, well just be grateful I put in the effort, okay?" he mumbles with a short, abrupt sigh. He runs his hand through his dark messy hair and gives Simon a sheepish grin.

Simon raises a brow. "I am grateful," he chuckles. For a second the two fall silent and then the taxi arrives, disturbing headlights piercing the misty darkness of the streets.

"Well..." Cal hummed. The corner of his mouth perked up in a mischievous smirk as he reached up on his tiptoes and places a delicate kiss upon Simon's cheek. "See ya!" He laughs, before scampering back up the pavement in the direction to his flat.

Taken by surprise, Simon stands there, dazed, before grinning in amusement, his face tinted with a blush.

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