chapter four

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    The jungle gym we sat on smelled of a past I never knew. It smelled of sweat and rust, and the sheer desperation to get out of a greasy neighborhood such as this one. In Oklahoma, the weather has a way of changing. Someday's, it's as sunny as can be. You go inside for lunch and the next thing you know, it's pouring outside. I guess that's another reason I appreciate Oklahoma. It's almost soothing to know there is someone else almost as temperate as me. But I could smell the rain coming.
    I looked to my left, and saw Pony. God, I tell you what, sometimes I catch him in a daydream and I wanna knock the living daylight out of him. I couldn't tell you why it angered me, it just did. Maybe because I never got to sit and dream my life away. Or because I knew his dreams would never come true and it was pointless to dream anyways.
  To my right, Johnny and Two-Bit. Johnny was keeping to himself, looking almost lost amongst all of Two-Bits jokes. Feeling bad for Johnny, I broke in.
  "Hey ya'll, can you smell that?"
I saw Johnny look up, as if he knew what I was talking about. "Gee Dal, I can't tell if the weather is changing or if it's your mood." He smiled a little, and if he was anyone else, I'd knock him off his perch. But it was Johnny. I smiled a little, and gave him a little bunch on the arm.
  "Shoot, you ain't ever been lying, kid."
  "Boys, if it's gonna start raining, I wanna get down of this here jungle gym. I got some dates tonight and I plan on getting laid. And I will die before my hair gets messed up by some stupid Oklahoma rain." Two-Bit said.
  "Well, Keith, you're free to go wherever you want." Pony said dryly.
"Don't you get smart with me, Pony. Darry gave me full permission to whip you whenever." Two-Bit retorted.
I think that was about the biggest lie Two-Bit ever told in his life. 'Cause I know sure as hell Darry wouldn't let any of the gang touch a hair on Pony's head. Shoot, I doubt Darry would let anyone try to whip Soda either. Darry ain't the type to whip anyone, especially any of his kid brothers. I highly doubt Darry would let Two-Bit touch any of his brothers. I just looked at Two-Bit with a blank expression.
  Pony climbed off the jungle gym, and hooked his thumbs into his pockets. He was waiting. Johnny was the first to climb down and join Pony. Johnny looked up at Two-Bit and me. I sighed, and jumped down. "Where we off to then?"
  Pony shrugged, and Johnny silently agreed with Pony. As a single raindrop hit the ground by my feet, I looked up and Two-Bit. He had the smuggest look on his face, and I knew exactly what was on his mind. "Two-Bit, don't you even think about saying it."
He smiled, "Warning was a bit too late. How 'bout we visit Miss Jenny herself?"
  Before I could argue, Johnny and Pony were agreeing. They were slapping my shoulders, encouraging me to go see Jenny. God, I didn't want to. And I don't know how I got to the Dingo, but I did. And the next thing I knew, Jenny was at my table, ready to take my order.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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