The Tentacle Fic

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The last few hours were a blur.
Brendon could remember a lot of drinks, some dancing, and a lot of beautiful women (and men).

It wasn't long until this one woman - Brendon didn't catch her name - caught his eye. She was very attractive, long, brunette hair hung in perfect waves down to her waist. She had a voluptuous, curvy figure, along with a modest, yet tight, blue dress to compliment it. The way she spoke, her body language and personality radiated maturity, with a hint of a seductive, sexual nature, but there was something else about her; Brendon couldn't quite put his finger on it, but whatever it was, it was intoxicating.

They proceeded to dance and flirt for the rest of the night, and it wasn't long until they were entering a cab and heading back to her place.

Brendon and the woman were sat on the bed, lips locked together in a passionate kiss. Her skin was soft and smooth against his, and it was clear she was wearing some kind of perfume.
A potent, flowery scent was invading his nostrils as their lips rhythmically glided against each other.
Suddenly, the kiss was broken and he was being lead upstairs. He had quite a bit to drink earlier, so he was mildly drunk, relying on the woman before him to guide him up the stairs.
As she lead him, she began stripping him of his clothing, he tried to help the best he could, and by the time they were outside the bedroom door, he sported nothing but his underwear.

She opened the door and Brendon was pushed harshly to the floor, nearly hitting his head on the foot of the bed. The woman began to slowly strip off her dress, and Brendon just gazed at her as she gracefully revealed herself to him. Her underwear was the last thing to go and soon she stood completely naked in front of him. Then...


Brendon couldn't believe his eyes, he was absolutely horrified.
What was once a beautiful woman began morphing in front of him, her gorgeous figure disfiguring into a horrific nightmare. Brendon was in shock, what the fuck was he looking at? What kind of monstrosity was this? What was this...thing going to do to him? Brendon did NOT want to find out.
He quickly darted out of the room as a set of tendrils descended apon him; running as fast as his drunken legs would carry him, nearly tripping as he stumbled down the stairs, pints of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was so close to the front door - he was sure he would make it - until a long, slippery tentacle wrapped around his leg, and yanked him back.

He fell, hard, onto his bare stomach, nearly smacking his face on the floor and letting out a sharp cry of pain and shock. He clawed desperately at the smooth, slippery, marble tiles; trying to find something to grab onto. It wasn't long until they were back in the bedroom again, Brendon still struggling against the tendrils that were now suspending him by his arms.

He was pumped full of adrenaline, spitting curse words and pulling against the binds of the creature. The beast simply waited, it wasn't long until Brendon was eventually worn out, his breath was laboured and he was covered head to toe in a thin, glistening sheen of sweat. He looked up at the monster, his heart still racing, wide, watery, brown eyes peering through his hair, which had wilted out of its original style during the struggle. "W-what are you gonna do to me?" He whimpered, trembling. The monster didn't respond, it simply made a soft, cooing noise. A tendril slithering out to gently caress Brendon's stomach, sliding down until the thin tip had hooked into the hem of his underwear.

Brendon froze.

"Wait...what are y-" Brendon gasped before his boxers were quickly yanked off and discarded onto the floor. Brendon was shocked by the creature's behavior, he did not like where this was going.
"N-no. No, don't you dare!" He stammered, voice breaking as he tried to escape, it was no use. The tendril that had pulled off his boxers was now gently stroking his inner thigh, as two other appendages began to grip onto his legs, spreading them slightly. Brendon tried to move away, but the creature's grip was too strong.

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