The Party: Chapter 2

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I stare hard at my reflection, staring at the dress I'm wearing, it's nice.

I slide on my Gucci pink heels and put my hair half up half down, it's better when it's curled

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I slide on my Gucci pink heels and put my hair half up half down, it's better when it's curled.

Then do simple make up but pink lipstick that matches my heels. Finally, an outfit that looks good.

The doorbell rings and I run down the stairs managing to put on my black leather jacket. Then swing open the door.

"Hey clay." I say putting my arms around his neck kissing him. He puts his hands on my back and then pulls away.

"So, I guess we should get to your house so we aren't late." I say, he nods and we get in his car driving to his house.

When we arrive we walk in and he starts kissing me, he moves his lips slightly. "So, I like your dress." I blush,"thanks."

His doorbell rings and people walk in and start to get comfortable. Clay and I walk over and dance In the living room.

The music thumps and blares and I dance around. He looks at me and smiles. Then walks away to the kitchen.

Of course me being nosey, I follow him secretivley. He grabs a beer from the fridge and starts drinking it.

My eyes buldge and I walk weirdly over cause I'm in heels. "What the hell are you doing?!"

I ask folding my arms, he furrows his eyebrows and slightly tilts his beer bottle to the side.

"Um, having a drink." He says, then drinks more. "Well, I can't have a drunk boyfriend." I say cringing.

"Calm down, I'm pretty sure it won't ruin your life. Don't get your knickers in a twist." He says.

He laughs and walks away, I act normal and walk to a crowd of my four bff's.

Jellissa, Kourtney, Mike, and Lizzy. "Hey guys!" I say chipper, they wave and group hug me.

Mike is still hugging me when everyone else isn't he kisses my cheek, then lips and pulls away.

"Um, are you drunk?" He laughs and runs outside to throw up. "Gosh, that's gross." I say.

"So, are you and Clay still dating or did you breake up?" Jellissa asks. "Um, why would we break up?" I ask agrivatedley.

"Gosh calm down! It was just a question." She says defensively. I shrug it off and start a new conversation.

"So, who wants to go out in the backyard to hang out?" I ask, they all nod and we walk outside. Somone jumps in the pool and water splatters on Jellissa.

She groans and walks off to the bathroom to dry off. Which leaves Me, kourtney, and Lizzy. "Okay, what do you guys wanna do."

They smile and take off their clothes and jump In the pool to swim. Leaving me to be the only sanitary one.

So, I walk in the house and sit on a couch going on my phone. Scrolling around on the web and looking at Music.lys.

After thirty minutes of boredom I get up and walk upstairs to look for Clay. I go In his room and see him laying on his bed.

I close the door behind me and sit on the edge of his bed. "What happened?" I ask.

He gets up and sits by me, "just thought this party would be more fun." "You know?" I nod my head.

My gaze moves around the room and back at him. "Do you maybe wanna just chill out up here?"

"Um, nah, let's go downstairs." He says, I nod my heart and ego a bit shaddered. But I get up and we walk hand in hand downstairs.

He let's go when he sees Jellissa and walks over to her and they hug. I furrow my eyebrows.

Then walk away feeling ticked off and jealousy rise in me. I plummet on the couch and look off in the distance.

Jellissa comes over eight minutes later and sits next to me. "So, what were you and Clay talking about?" I ask not looking at her.

"Oh, just stuff." "Like what?" I ask furowing my eyebrows at her. She exhales sharply.

"Don't worry about it." She says smilling. "Okay whatever." I get up and try to find Clay. Then spot him in the kithen drinking another beer.

"Hey." I say, he smiles and kisses me. "Hey, wanna go outside and chill?" I nod and we find a chair to sit on together.

He puts his arm around me. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" The smell of beer lingers on his breath.

"Um, well, what's up with you and Jellissa?" I ask, he laughes. "Nothing, she said she liked me but I told her no cause I'm dating you."

I look in his eyes, they're like blue daggers. I run my fingers through his brown hair and kiss him. "Okay." I say.

We lay back on the hammick and look into the starry night sky, his arm behind his head. I feel his eyes on me and then turn my head to meet his.

His blue eyes staring at my brown ones, goosebumps rise on my tan skin. The coldness starting to enter my warm body.

"Are you cold?" He asks, I nod smilling and he gets closer hugging me. "So, what's on your mind now?" He asks.

"Nothing now." I say, he smiles at me and gets up to meet my lips. Then a loud noise intturupts us.

He leaps of the hammock and so do I following him behind. We see someone broke the t.v. And he kicks everyone out.

"Okay, since it's only 10:45 I can stay and help clean a bit." He looks around the room and shakes his head.

"You should probably just head home. I can handle it." He says, I nod and get off his couch. "Bye." I say, he waves bye and I start to catch up to a friend to take me home.

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