He Gives You A Piggy Back Ride (Sam Imagine)

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          So, You guys just finished a vamp hunt. There was only 5 vamps. No biggie. Only the thing is the house they were living in was a hour walk through the woods. You guys were walking back through the woods towards the road where Baby was. Your feet were hurting and you have a moose walking with you guys so..

          "Sammm" You said while poking his arm.

          "What?" He asked looking at you.

          "Can I have a piggy back ride?" You asked and gave the best puppy dog eyes you could.

        "Why can't you walk? You got legs." He said playfully.

          "But my feet are killing me and your a moose!" You said back at him. He looked at you.

          "Fine." He said and gave you a smile. Dean was shocked at how you got Sam to actually do it. You stuck your tongue out at Dean. Sam crouched down so you could get on his back. Once you got on his back you wrapped your arms around his neck. He grabbed your legs and stood up.

          "Hang on." He said. He then pushed you up his back so he could hold onto you better. You smiled.

        "The view is very nice up here. Hi there earthling Dean." You said with a chuckle. Dean just kept walking, secretly smiling at you guys. Sam let you stay on his back the rest of the way to the impala. When you got there he crouched down and let you off.

          "Thanks for the lift moosey." You said with a smile. He just smiled back at you and shook his head.

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