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"Hana.. dul.. se-" Yu Rae counted.
"Wait," Seorin cut in.
"Set," Yu Rae spared her not one second. Seorin fired her very last bullet. With all this excessive training over the week, from Yu Rae of course, she had accomplished her one goal—a bullseye. 
"I think you're ready," Yu Rae patted her shoulder.
It was the day Seorin and Jimin were to leave the hideout and make their way back to their previous life in their apartments. But cut short, he were to live with her from here on. It was not something him and her had discussed and agreed on but actually sat down and had the news to broken to her. She was confused and scared but she wanted to go back home and of course it'd be easier for her with him by her side.

Legs folded one on top of the other, Seorin sat on her bed, packing in all her clothes she put effort into taking out and stacking them into her closet. Of course she knew her stay here was temporary. But would she miss it? Yes; she felt safe.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door. She called whoever it was in and gave him a warm smile before continuing with her work.

"You own an awful lot of grey clothing," Jimin watched as she folded her T-shirts and slipped them into the suitcase.
"You knew that," she replied.
"Oh but whats this," he smirked at her while picking up the denim coat he left with her back when they were in Germany.
"Uhh," she began to blush. Embarrassed that she still had it safe and in tact. Almost looked as if it were untouched but truthfully she had worn it on the more bitter days.
"You can keep it. I'm sure it looks cute on yo-" realizing where he was going with the sentence, he stops and giggles. They both laugh awkwardly at each other. How skinny was this love?
"We'll be leaving in hours time," he disclaimed to her. She said nothing but instead lowered her head and nodded slowly.

If anything had to stay the same over the course of six months, it was the fact that even when she would show a poker face, he would still manage to tell what was going through her mind. He seemed more of a co-author in her life rather than some Busan boy who caught her staring at him at a cafe. It was much poetic. How someone would try to change a dying story into a romanticized book. He wanted to build the corners around her canvas so the colors wouldn't spread to unknown extents.

So he knew. He knew she didn't want to leave so soon because she wanted to get comfortable for a little longer. At the same time, he knew she was missing home badly even when there was nothing to go home to. It was her first time moving out. Her first apartment. Her first step to independency. Her first everything. To say that she had to abandon all that just so she could be safe, it basically meant submission to defeat.
"Take care. Call us as soon as you feel like something is wrong," Taehyung slammed the trunk of the car after shoving their suitcases in and helped Seorin in. He gave her a heartwarming smile before hugging her and whispering into her ear, "Sleep comfortably from now on. I promise we'll protect you." She smiles back and closes the car door.

Both Jimin and Seorin waved the three goodbye and were soon on the long road home.
"Hungry?" He glanced at her.
"No. We should get home sooner. I'm really sleepy and I don't want to fall asleep here," she said, recalling the unfortunate event from five months back.
"Never sleep on an empty stomach, Seorin-ssi."
"Don't talk and drive, Jimin-ssi."

He giggled at her humor. How wonderful of her to spit back for once rather than just accepting defeat.

"Omo, the sunset has come late today," She looked ahead at the sky. He drove her under the cotton candy clouds and she couldn't feel more pleased. She was able to experience it once more with him.
"Sky's way of welcoming summer I guess," he chuckles and oh how anyone could fall in love with that laugh of his. She could only stare at him and appreciate his existence secretly.
"I remember standing on the rooftop and staring at this view with you," she spoke.
"I remember it too. You were astonished.. as if it were your first time seeing colors fade on a wider canvas," he replied, smiling at the sky as he too recalled their very first sunset together.
"Remember the first time you brought me there?" She laughed aloud. "Your skin turned paper white."
"Oh yeah, you were scared of the dark so you held on too tight," his laugh followed.
"I really wish we could do it all over again."
"Me too."
They arrived at Seorins apartment, heaving long, heavy sighs as she plops onto the sofa.

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