Chapter 13

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We were finally at the last day of the trip. I can't lie, this has been the best most emotional trip I have ever taken in my life. I learned that I have more family who actually wanted me than what I initially thought. Not only do I have a sister, I have a twin sister. I think that's what blows my mind the most. All this time there has been someone out there who looks exactly like me. I always felt like there was something missing and I see now that I was right the entire time. I also have the cutest little brothers who cling to me as if they grew up with me  in their lives. Raymond also has taken the role as big brother. I love how they are so open to accepting me and respecting my wishes by calling me Karma instead of Carmen. Destiny on the other hand was another story. She was a little over bearing but I guess I can't really blame her. I just hate that she continues to call me Carmen even when I ask her not to. Now Rashad, I loved him. He was the coolest person ever. He called me Karma and he wasn't overbearing. He just let me breath.

My mother Tonya, Chris, Denise, and I were currently on our way to their suite before we all left the go back our separate ways. I was dreading this conversation but I knew it would have to happen eventually. Destiny wanted to talk about the idea of me coming to stay with them for awhile. Now, I was happy that I met them and we really did connect, but I really am not ready to be with them by myself. I have never been apart for my mother longer than a week and I really don't think I am ready to be under the same roof as them.

I knocked on the door waiting on someone to answer.

"Well it took you long enough." Damon said pulling the door open.

I laughed. "Hey to you too."

He moved out the way and we walked into the suite. I saw all of their luggage lined up to the side and they were in the dining area finishing up their breakfast.

That was the most peaceful part of the morning which leads me to right now. Everyone was yelling and arguing with each other, which I knew would happen.

Destiny was telling my mother how she felt I should come stay with them because I was their child and I should get to know the rest of my extended family.

Truthfully, I was just getting use to being around them so why bring more people in?

My mom, being the great woman she was, said the exact thing I was thinking. She told them how it would be too overwhelming for me to be thrown into a situation like that. She knew I had bad anxiety about meeting new people.

With that, everyone started arguing, getting louder and louder to get their point across.

I was fed up with all of it so I just yelled.


Everyone stopped what they were saying and looked at me.

"Is anyone going to ask me what I want? Yall are going back and forward about what's best for me without even asking me." I looked over at Destiny and Rashad. " Look, I really enjoyed myself getting to know you but I honestly am not ready to be alone with you all yet. I don't want to go back with you."

The look of hurt and anger came across their faces.

"Well," Destiny started. "All we have to do is call the police and they will make you come back with me rather you want to or not." She said in a matter of fact tone.

That really made me mad. "Yea you could do that but I would just end up running away back home. Plus, I will be eighteen next month and I will just leave then and never come back. You will not take me away from my mother." I said angrily.

Destiny had a look of hurt in her face but I honestly didn't care. She could try all she want to force me to do something I don't want to do but it's just not going to happen. I have a whole life at home, she can't just uproot me.

Rashad sighed. "Look, you have to understand where we are coming from. Losing you was the worse day of our lives and all we want to do is make up for that time. As much as I want you to come back with us I don't want you resent us for taking you from your life you already have."

"The hell we don't!" Destiny yelled.

"Mom stop." Charisma said.

I almost forgot she was in the room with all of the adults yelling so much.

" I will not stop. You need to stay in a child's place and shut up. She is my daughter and I want her home with me." Destiny said stumping her feet like a six year old when they don't get their way.

"She is also my sister. You have to put what someone else want first for once in your life. Stop trying to run everything. You are going to end up losing her forever by forcing her to do something she doesn't want." Charisma said. I was cheering her own as she spoke because all of it was true.

"Fine." Destiny said looking from Charisma to me. "What do you want to do Karma?" She asked, shocking me that she actually called me Karma instead of Carmen like she had been doing all of the trip.

I was silent for a moment before I got a great idea.

"I want to go back home with my mom." I said which caused them all to have a look of sadness on their faces. "But, I want Charisma to come back with me. I know you may object but if I can get to know her better I will feel more comfortable coming around you all. Also, when it's time for her to come back, I will come back with her." I added.

Destiny was about to protest but Rashad jumped in before her.


Sorry for the late and short update. I am currently sick but I promised a update. Will have another soon this week. I did not proof read this so excuse the mistakes. The chapters after this will be much better. Just getting back into it.

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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