Chapter 2

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The month went by fast and we had finally landed in the Bahamas. I was beyond excited to go to the beach and feel the sand beneath my toes. Hopefully I could find me a sexy guy as well.

I was mainly attracted to older men. Guys my age were so immature it was ridiculous. Also, what could another 17 year old do for me? Nothing. A part time job can't pay for my needs. My daddy spoiled me and ain't nobody but a grown man going to be able to do what he do.

It was March so my birthday was next month. I would finally be 18 which means I could be with whoever I want to be with. There was nothing the law or my parents could say about it.

I planned on having me a nice spring break fling with someone here.

We were staying at The Cove Atlantis in Paradise Island, Bahamas.

It was so beautiful here.

When we got to the room my mouth dropped open.

This suite was huge. There was enough room for everyone to be in separate parts of the suite never having to interact with one another if we want.

The turquoise color in the living room made it pop and look even more grand. The curtains were pulled back giving us the perfect view of the beach.

I was in love with this place already and we just got here.

"I know everyone is a little tired from the plane ride, so lets just rest for a little while and then we will go explore the resort." My father said.

"Dad, I'm kind of wide awoke now. Is it ok if I go ahead and look around?" I asked.

He was about to respond when my mother beat him to it. "No. He just said that we will rest first. Why do you have to be so disobedient all the time?"

I rolled my eyes. "How was I being disobedient? I was just asking a question mama."

"First off, I don't know who you think you are rolling your eyes at me. You aren't to old for me to beat ya ass. Second, don't question me. You always got some s--"

"Here Princess." My dad said as he handed me some money. "Go have a good time. Do you have your phone on you?"

"Yes I do. Thank you daddy." I said as I hurriedly walked out of the room before my mother could protest.


"How could you just let her go?" Destiny asked me.

"What is your problem?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Why are you so hard on her. I don't understand it." I said trying to remain calm. I was tired of seeing her treat Charisma this way.

"The truth? I can't stand to look at her." Destiny replied.

I sighed. "It is not her fault that Carmen got taken and she didn't. If you hadn't got to her in time she would be gone to. Then what would you do? Take the anger out on the boys? I just don't get it. You have her here so why not be good to her. If she doesn't hate you already I'm sure she will soon. That is your only daughter. Show her that you love her. Stop pushing her away." I replied as I walked away. Not caring that she was crying.

"Rashad wait." Destiny said pulling my arm back to her.

"What." I responded a little harsher than intended.

"I'm just afraid I will lose her too. What if she hates me for not being able to protect her sister? I'm just so confused and hurt. Every time I look at her I see Carmen. It's been sixteen years. Sixteen years Rashad! The leads went cold a year and a half after she went missing. I call every month to see if the police have found anything new but they just laugh at me for still thinking there is a chance of my baby coming home. I'm just hurting Rashad." Destiny finished with tears flooding her face.

I honestly didn't know she was still checking at the police department for leads. The case had been closed for years.

I pulled Destiny in my arms and kissed her forehead.

"It will be ok Destiny. I'm hurting too but I don't take it out on Charisma. I am happy that she is still around. Seeing her is what makes me go on. I hate to give you a ultimatum but if you continue to treat her this way, I can't be with you." I told her as I let her go and walked away. Leaving her there with more tears streaming down her face.

Author's Note: Short chapter I know but having issues with my computer. I wanted to update so here you go! Things are about to pick up in the chapters to come.

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