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Ariel woke up in her dorm that morning. Someone had brought her up and now she just lay awake in bed. 

The sun was only orange, the perfect girls sleeping softly in the beds next to her's, their faces coated in the first lights of the day. 

Ariel wanted to get up, to run, not just lay here and do nothing. She was board, wide awake and board. 

Ariel got up, put on her uniform, and ran down the steps. 

It was hard to remember the last time she ran.

Her legs hurt from all the walking, walking and sitting. She ran out the doors of the common room, then the school, the next thing she knew she was sprinting across the grounds. 

Her robes were covered in morning dew and the cold air but at her face. Frost covered the grass and trees, the morning chilling and cold. 

Ariel ran all the way down to the forest, her legs burning. But she really didn't care, she felt free at moment like these. 

No one was around. 

She was alone. 

As much as Ariel loved it, standing here in the cold crisp mornings, she knew she would eventually have to go back to reality. An reality where Dementors and full moons haunted her dreams. 

But for right now this would do. For she was all alone and at peace for once. She didn't need anything or anyone. 

Nothing mattered. 


Ariel walked to breakfast, her mood as bright as the glowing sun outside. Her robes were still wet but she really didn't care. After that morning, nothing could bring her down. 

She walked into the Great Hall and waved when she sat down next to Reamus and the rest of the Marauders. 

"You look like you're in a good mood." Sirius said looking up from his copy of the Daily Prophet. Ariel smiled and nodded. "Went on a run this morning. Haven't gotten to run in forever." 

Everyone nodded and went back to their food. 

Only when Sirius slammed the Prophet did anyone say anything. 

"What's wrong mate?" James asked. "Still no sign of him!" Sirius exclaimed. "The Minister says that they haven't seen You-Know-Who sense Diagon Alley." He said. 

"They really couldn't've lost sight of him that quickly could they?" Ariel asked. "If by they you mean the Aurors, then yes." Sirius said. 

Everyone went quiet.

Ariel noticed that Reamus had been staring at his food the entire time and had not said a word, neither did Peter. 

"You guys okay?" Ariel asked. 

"Yeah," Peter said. "Just nervous, that's all."

"You shouldn't be scared," Reamus said looking up from his food. "You should be terrified." 


Ariel was walking to Acient Runes when she heard a loud BANG come from a classroom. 

"What was that?" She asked Reamus who had been walking with her. After breakfast Reamus seemed unusually quiet, reading his book as they walked. 

"I'm sure it was nothing," he said. But Ariel didn't believe him. "We'll tell the next teacher we see about it." He said continuing his walk to Ancient Runes. 

Ariel jumped as another loud BANG come from the same room. It was the old charms classroom she had dueled Malfoy in. 

"Are you coming?" Reamus called. Ariel walked towards the classroom. "I've been in there before," she said. "The mirror of Erised is in there." She said. "The mirror of what?" Reamus asked. "Erised." Ariel called back. 

Reamus rolled his eyes as Ariel began walking in the direction of the classroom. 

"Your curiosity is going to get you killed one day." He said following her. "Or worse, late for class." 

Ariel glared at him and continued walking in the direction of the old Charms class. 

"Let's just go." Reamus said annoyed. Ariel just glared at him and walked in. 

The mirror was gone and in its place stood a tall wordrobe shaking violently as though something in it was trapped and trying to get out. 

"What is in there?" Reamus asked as Ariel Adventures further into the dark room. She wanted to open the wardrobe and see what was inside but Reamus's warnings about her curiosity getting her killed told her otherwise. 

"Let's just go." Ariel said walking back to the door. But Reamus stood frozen in the doorway, his face pale with fear and eyes shinning with terror. 

"What's wrong?" Ariel asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. But Reamus wouldn't say anything. And just then Ariel realized the banging had stopped. 

The room was silent. 

Ariel turned around and saw a dead Sirius on the floor.

Ariel gasped in horror.

Sirius was dead, slash marks across his face like someone had slashed him with powerful claws. 

But suddenly the scene changed and a dead James lay on the floor.

A dead Ariel...

A dead Peter...

Every dead body showing the same death, shalshes and cuts, what might've been a full moon reflecting off their faces. 

"Reamus Lupin..." Ariel trailed. "Reamus!" She exclaimed. But Reamus was frozen in fear, what seemed to be his greatest fear displayed out in front of him.

Ariel pulled out her wand and pointed it at her own dead body. 

"Stupify!" She shouted. 

The dead Ariel disappeared and turned into an even more horrifying scene. 

A dead Reamus layed on the floor. 

Ariel screamed and sunk to her knees next to the body. She covered her face in her hands and cried. 

Reamus was dead...


"Ridikulus!" A voice shouted from across the room. Ariel looked up only to watch the scene dissapear and go flying into the cupboard. 

Ariel looked up, eyes wet, and saw Reamus, eyes equally wet with tears.

"Let's go." Was all he said. 

"What was that thing?" Ariel asked. Reamus shook his head. "A bogart." He said. "It shows your worst fear." 

Ariel stood up and followed Reamus out the door, nodding even though she didn't understand. 

But Reamus understood. On the outside he might've been crying but on the inside he was smiling. 

Because Ariel's worst fear was him dying. 

A/N: Another chapter! Hope you all like the book and are enjoying life. I hope you all like the new cover as well!

 I hope you all like the new cover as well!

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