"It's a mystery,just like you"

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Millie woke up to the smell of burning and as she was about to crawl out of bed the smoke alarm went off

"Mom!" Millie shouted as she ran down the wooden staircase towards the kitchen where she found her mom with 2 pieces of burnt toast in her hands
"Do I get extra mom points for effort?" Her mom laughed as she placed the toast into the trash

"I'm going out today" Millie said as she cleaned up the burnt mess with her mom "with a new friend"

"Oh that's nice sweetie,just remember to be home by 6 and also you have school tomorrow so you need your rest" She replied
"Yeah Yeah" Millie laughed as she gave her mom a quick hug and proceeded to run back upstairs to get ready

Her phone buzzed on the way upstairs

F-We still on for today?

Her phone buzzed again

F-Remember it's fine if you don't want to go out with me :)

M-No I do,I need to be home for 6 though,my moms slightly paranoid about our new neighbourhood :/

F-That's fine,I'll make sure the princess is returned right on time ;)

M-Very funny Wolfhard,Where are we meeting?

F- I'm a funny guy ;) and meet me at the park at 2Pm

M- Sure,see you there
Sent 1:12

Millie threw on a flannel and a tshirt with her favourite pair of jeans and headed downstairs

"I'm leaving now" she shouted to her mom as she put on her Converse

"Have a good time!" Her mom shouted back not thinking to question that,One- Millie had been here for less than 3 days and had already made a friend and two- She was going out to meet them,like actually going outside...with people,something that Millie rarely did back at her home town,that could be due to the fact that she liked to keep to herself or the fact that everyone just saw her as the mysterious girl who's Dad died and Didn't speak to

F-I'm leaving now

M-Me too
Sent 1:47

Millie walked along the dusty sidewalk with her headphones in kicking up the fall leaves as she went
She'd never really made a friend before,let alone one who was a boy

Millie got to the fountain in the park and pulled out her blue notebook
'This boy,he seems nice on the outside but I guess the nicest people are the most broken within '
She knew their was something different about Finn,he had this broken look in his eyes,his smile fooled many,but not Millie because she knew what it was like

"Hello M'Lady" She heard a familiar voice speak from behind her
"Hey" she replied as she slammed closed her notebook and placed it back into her backpack "what exactly are we doing today?" She asked impatiently
"It's a mystery,just like you" He replied grabbing her hand and running out of the park

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