"Watch where your going!"

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(Disclaimer: They are BOTH 15 and so are most of the teenage characters in this)

Finn Wolfhard was a Casual Guy,The attention was never all on him but there was certainly something intriguing about him


He walked along the gravel path through the middle of the park humming along to his headphones,Completely consumed in a world of his own but still conscious enough to realise that there was something in front of him,that realisation meant nothing as he kept walking with his head down

"Watch where your going!" He snapped as he tripped over something
"Well excuse me,But I believe that I was sitting here first and you were the one who walked straight into my feet" Said the Small girl sitting neatly on the edge of the fountain as she tucked her black combat boots back under herself,She had a distinguished British accent Which made her sound like a princess to Finn

"Oh sorry princess" He said laughing raising his hands in surrender
"I take it that nickname comes from my accent" She laughed back
"You bet ya" He said sitting down next to her "Finn,Finn Wolfhard" He Said sticking his hand out

"Millie Brown,Or Millie Bobby brown if you want to get real personal" She said Shaking it
"I'm Guessing your new here?,I mean I'd definitely know if I'd seen you about before" He asked her Smiling
"Not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not,But Yeah I'm new" She said furrowing her brows

"No I just meant with the accent and the hair,I'd recognise you Again" He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Yeah with those eyes i'd certainly Remember you too" She smiled then realising what she had said "Well it was nice talking to you Finn,But I've gotta get home" She said Quickly trying to avoid any further embarrassment as she packed a book into her back and adjusted the laces on her boots
"Wait,What school are you attending on Monday?" He asked hopeful
"I'm not good with names but it's the one on the corner of The Old fairground" She said beginning to walk away
"Maybe we will be class mates then" He said handing her a piece of paper and walking in the other direction
"Maybe" She said opening the paper and scuffing her feet along as she walked

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