Chapter 7.

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Here ya go :)

Melinda's P.O.V

There she is. The little evil slut. Even though she was Grace's sister I hate her. I think she was the one who killed Grace.

Liz knew her sister was going through the hard time. I mean. I know I made it sound like I like Liz but I hate her. Hate her with a burning passion. Sometimes I wish she would die.

Liz's P.O.V

I waved. "Hey Melinda I have missed you so much."

"Hi. Um do I know you" she questioned.

Well duh. "Yeah Grace's sister Liz." She is playing around.

"Oh well hi Liz but I don't know you sorry. Bye"

With that she hurried away. Something had to be going on. Ugh. I hate people.

I walked inside and sat down. It was better I mean it was okay. I hated this house I wanted to get out.

I was trying to find my partners and fell. They come running. "What happened are you okay?" Well not like Ashley cares.

"Yeah I just fell. I mean ouch. Here's a hole." In the hole was a safe.

"What do you think is in it." Jeez Joe.

"I don't know let's open it." I said. With that I unlocked the safe and found a key. "What the hell?"

"I don't know no one does. Look Liz there's a note." Joe is smart. Nevermind about my comment earlier.

"Thanks wow Joe. It says: Follow the map for your daily hint.: What is this supposed to mean."

We followed the map and came across to a wall. "Genius Liz genius" I muttered to myself. I remember this wall. Behind it is a staircase. I forget where it leads to just wow

Why can't I remember my child hood that good. Slowly the memories come back. It gets triggered by something.

I didn't want to say anything about the attic. "Let's check it out tomorrow Liz. I'm tired and I need to do my nails." God Ashley is a prep.

"Good idea."

Authors note.

Hope you liked it. Update soon. xx

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