Luck <3 ~Louis Tomlinson AU~

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 ~Savannah's POV~

     It was another day of hell for me. All the things I hated doing in one room. School. I was never a big fan of school, then again, I don't think anyone was. I was in the middle of a Lucid Dream, and din't want to wake up to reality. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't. Aside from that, I had to.

   I woke up around 5:30 AM hoping that today won't be as shitty as yesterday.I was wrapped in my comforter and deep in thought, I was a very deep thinker. I never really let anyone talk to me really, I mean sure, I manage to make the class laugh all the time, but let's face it. No one actually wants to talk to me.

I make them laugh and help their day, then I move on with my life. My life is what you 'normal' people would call boring. Just because I didn't like to party and get drunk, an occasional drink was okay and all, but I'm not a heavy drinker like most teen's who come home shitfaced drunk.

  I groaned inwardly when my mom shouts at my to get up.  

"Savannah! You'll be late! Get up!"

"But mom! The blanket's finally accepted me and gave me their trust and I'm afraid if I leave now they won't trust me anymore!"

I sighed and went to my bathroom. I stripped out of my all of a sudden really comfortable pajama's and adjusted the shower water. 

I jumped when I finally got in the shower, it was cold! I mean it was really cold! I realized that I turned the dial the wrong way.. Oops.

This was amy 3rd day at school, I moved to Doncaster, England from Kentucky, USA a couple weeks ago and is still getting used to the house, It was fairly large. It had three floors and a finished basement. My room was squat in the middle with a walk-in closet and bathroom. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts with the sound of clattering in the kitchen. I hurried and washed with my mint shampoo body and hair scrub and climbed out.

I didn't need to shave, I did yesterday. I threw on the first thing I saw, turning out to be pretty decent. A white tank top with a black leather over jacket, black jeans and black Keds.

I grabbed my bag and rushed down the stairs, my mom stood at the island in the kitchen and was setting up the food. Bacon, cheese eggs, and orange juice, which I'll probably skip since I just used mint toothpaste earlier. I greeted my mom with a kiss on the cheek and a quick hello. 

I grabbed a cup and poured so ice cold water, then got my food. My hair was perfectly curled then my mom had to ruffle my hair.


"Savannah, I made this head, so everything on it is mine!"

"No, It's not. I am the one who grew it, thank you! But I'm going to be late!"

I ran out the door and bumped chests with someone! I looked up to apologize and didn't expect what I saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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