Chapter 1

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Damon pov

Not many people know this Klaus Mikaelson and I are married. Actually only two people know and thats two of his siblings Elijah and Rebekah. I just arrived to Mystic Falls and saw Katherine's doppelgänger standing on the bridge. It looks like she trying to get a ride home. Ugh, I hope she doesn't act like Katherine. Yah time to pretend. First, time to call Klaus to tell him I found her. "Klaus, I found her. She looks so plain and boring."

I told him as soon as he picked up the phone. "Damon stop complaining just act like you like her.Mate, for me please" He begged be. I hate when he calls me mate because he know I can't say no to him or be mad when he says it. "Fine but only cause your getting me a new car for doing this."

Ha, all I had to do to get that car was pretend to be mad at him for a while and to try to make me "feel better" he said he was going to buy me one. He told me it was for my birthday, which was in June. "What car did you want anyways Damon?"Klaus asked interrupting my thoughts."Oh just a Lamborghini Reventon. "I told him smirking.

"Seriously Damon,fine only after the curse is broken okay." He told me sounding annoyed but I know he was faking it. "Fine bye babe" I was about to hang up when he said"Damon" "Yes Klaus" I said smiling"Love you my mate""Love you too." I hang up and start walking towards the brunette.This was going to be a long night.

The next day

Right now I am getting dressed. Black jeans,boots,a dark gray v-neck and my leather jacket that Klaus gave me for our anniversary. Well I got him the same jacket so technically they're matching jackets.Last night I slept in a house in the woods I bought just before I got turned. It's a little past the Mystic falls border, but it was my own private paradise. Only klaus and maybe Stefan know I have it.I doubt that though because I have never showed it to him.

I doubt that though because I have never showed it to him

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Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually it was very easy. All i had to do was bring up love and bam. Just like that she was opening up to me. She trusts way to easily because apparently "nothing bad happens in Mystic Falls." Just you wait sweetheart. Cause your worlds about to change.

Anyways my plan is to play bad brother with no emotions because I caught Stefan scent and know he is going to stay for Elena. Klaus thought of it because he didn't want anybody to find out the real plan. Seriously he worries way too much about me to be healthly. I'm not one to talk though because I act the same way about him. I should really be mad at him though because i have to stay in this house till school begins, then make my move.

This is so my little brother thinks he is safe here and will stay. Knowing him he will go to high school just to be closer to the doppelgänger. I walked down stairs to the fridge in the basement filled with blood. I created this idea because i know people don't go down into basements unless they have a good reason to. I put a fridge into the Salvatore basement also. I got a blood bag filled with my favorite AB- negative.

It's rare but i have connections. I walked up the steps drinking the blood when my phone rang a very familiar ringtone."Hey babe." i said while walking to a couch to sit and poured my blood into a glass."Hey Damon, did you have a good nights sleep last night?"He asked. I could hear shuffling in the background so i assumed that he was laying on his bed."No I didn't Klaus" I told him putting the glass of blood down.

His movement stilled."Why, what happened?Were you hurt?Who was it I'll kill them?" He growled into the phone."No one hurt me Klaus"I said sighing."Then why didn't you sleep well?"He said."I miss being in your arms. It was cold and lonely." I said softly."Oh Damon don't worry when we break the curse i will hold you along as you want.I really have to go,so talk in a bit.Love you Damon."He told me.You could practically hear him smiling."Okay.Love you too" I replied back and hung up.

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