Chapter 8

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Sorry this picture has nothing to do with the chapter but this was just so funny

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Sorry this picture has nothing to do with the chapter but this was just so funny. This has got to be one of my top favorite Caroline and Damon scenes in the show. I know some of the information like Damon getting his ring back earlier is wrong but that's how I put it. I will try not to change thing too grand till my big change in the book happens. Which will not be for a while. Back to the chapter though.

Damon's pov

I was over at Caroline because her mom told me to watch her while she was trying to find Vicki with basically everyone from town. Stefan was trying to teach her vampire speed but forgot how she really wanted to see Jeremy.

Apparently this wasn't a reasonable explanation for her to be at Elena's because she is smart enough to stay way from the house so she won't hurt anybody.

I don't think Stefan remembers how this whole vampire thing works. Your emotions are heightened which means her emotions of not listening to adults is going to stronger now. I suddenly heard my phone ring.Oh look speak of the devil "Hello brother what can I do for you today."

"Damon listen, I need you to find Vicki because she hasn't feed yet." Stefan said seriously and if you listened closely you could hear he was running vamp speed. "Fine, just tell me the general direction she went to so she could chew on some delicious humans." I smirked knowing what Stefan was going to say next.

"Damon just find her she went in the woods. I am already looking but I need you to search the other half of the forest." Wow he didn't go on a rant which means he's been searching for Vicki for a while now. "Okay bye." "Bye Damon".

I turned to Caroline and said "Sorry to cut this short but I need to go find Vicki before she hurts somebody." She smiled at me then nodded. "It's fine as long as you make this up to me. If my mom comes back early i will say you had a family emergency."

"Thanks Caroline." I hop off her bed and gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead. "Stay safe Damon." She hugged me back and kissed my cheek."I will. You be careful also and don't invite anybody in the house." I told her.

"Yes now go find Vicki." She started pushing me to the door. I look back one more time at her and she smiled while waving me goodbye. I gave her a tiny one back and ran off to the woods vamp speed.

I was trying to find either Vicki's scent or human blood but so far I've got nothing. I was about to call her name out but suddenly I heard a shockingly familiar cry of pain. It was Stefan's. I raced off in the direction when I heard fighting and voices.

It was Stefan and that t.v guy Logan Fell. It is obvious that he knows about vampires if he shot Stefan and it hurt him. I push Logan to the ground, vamp speed to Stefan, and took the wooden bullet out.

Stefan hissed through his teeth."That's got to hurt. Sorry baby bro." I smirked outward but inward i was seething with rage. How dare this Logan guy hurt my brother."Thanks Damon" He smiled at me and got up.

Well it looks like we just found Vicki. Actually I think it was the other way around because she followed the scent of blood. Logan had been knocked unconscious when he smacked his head against a grave stone from when I threw him away from Stefan.

"VICKI NO DON'T" Stefan shouted as she fed off of Logan killing him. She looked up and ran. "I'll hide the body you go tell Elena what happened. Then maybe I will find my self with some cute blonde." Stefan glared at me while saying" No Damon we can't have another killing right now. There shouldn't be anyways. Just hide Logan while I tell Elena."

"Fine, bye" I sped to the side of the rode near a highway and buried him. I went back to Caroline's house and saw all the lights on and her mom's car in the driveway. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Liz opened the door, saw me and moved out of the way so I could come inside.

"Hey Liz, I am really sorry for leaving so suddenly but my brother needed me." I told her."Hey it's fine remember I have a teenage daughter so I understand. What was the problem anyways?" Great now I have to think of something quick. "Stefan was searching for something of his and knocked into a cabinet. Which almost fell on him. He moved quick enough to avoid it but was pretty shaken up about it, so he called me."

I have to remember to tell Stefan that's what happened."Oh my gosh. That would scare me too. Luckly he has you." She pointed out."Oh I came here to check on Caroline. I wanted to make sure she was okay because she had heard the conversation between Stefan and me and I left her alone when I should have been watching her." i looked at her worrying slightly if that was a reasonable excuse."Oh go right ahead she is still awake."

I walked up to her room and knocked on her door. Suddenly my arms were full of a blonde haired girl. I picked her up and carried her over to her bed. I laid down with Caroline still in my arms."I was so scared Damon." She mumbled into my chest. I looked down at her and said "It's fine Caro. I'm fine, see" She turned her head and finally got a good look at me.

While I was dirty she could tell I wasn't hurt which seemed acceptable enough for her to finally relax. I rubbed her back in soothing hand motions and then she fell asleep. I wrapped my arms more securely around her and followed her off to sleep.

Liz walked in the room a half an hour later and saw what happened. She closed the door quietly and left for her room with a soft smile on her face.

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