Titus and Titania. Invincible because they had hope: a holly leaf. Pressed between an ancient book, pages burnt and blackened but it still remained fresh and bright. The smallest piece of nature that still lived, a fragment of the world before hell rained upon them. A weapon so hopeful, it was a crime to carry it around: a sin. Punishments so horrendous, unmentionable to any sane human ears.
Children, like angles, running freely without a care in the world. Now all they do is run. They run away from armed-soldiers, hiding in fear. Their minds heavy like stones, hearts blackened by sin and misery. Lost, wandering souls, in a world of mayhem. Abandoned in a sea of disaster and horror; that was their life.
Titus: a starved, scruffy boy with eyes as large as moons and just as silvery. His once jet black hair now covered in layers of dust and grit. A copy of his sister: Titania. Strong, because of her brother, her identical soul. Her mirrored image. Long, flowing, white hair like the endless horror they faced.
Hope is all it takes
KurzgeschichtenA life that is destroyed for no reason. For no purpose. For war. Two twins that fought through, a world of disaster and masses of blood shed only with the help from hope.