A barren wasteland that was once home to millions of citizens: doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, families - all gone. Vast chunks of buildings and sacred places crumbled to dust. Hospitals falling to the ground, decaying corpses tossed in with the rubble: arms, legs and heads among the concrete slabs and metal poles of scaffolding, that were once strong supports to the hospital, now lay there weak and useless. Schools that once taught children life lessons now bear the results of chaos. Large, majestic, oak trees once stood proud and tall in forests and valleys, indestructible to the forces of nature and a safe haven to all creatures. Leaves like splashes of a summer sunset - colours flowing in and out of each other like a river,dancing freely. Now fallen and deserted by all life. Burnt to a crisp by flaming bombs. Loud booms and endless echoes of screaming and demolition. Branches severed from their trunks and shredded apart into splinters.
But among the burnt splinters and shreds of trees there grew a small, green sproutling. Weak but determined. Pushing through the hardships and havoc around it, it would grow into something striking and beautiful.
Just like the life of the last children.
Hope is all it takes
NouvellesA life that is destroyed for no reason. For no purpose. For war. Two twins that fought through, a world of disaster and masses of blood shed only with the help from hope.