Tuesday, December 24, 2013

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Well apparently today is Christmas Eve and I'm not really happy or bouncing with joy like every year. This time I just want to curl up, listen to sad music, and stay in my room for a week. 

This morning my friend and her family came to visit us for a while because my family wasn't planning on doing anything special. We were just going to eat dinner, watch the movie of Jesus, and wait till midnight to open our presents. (That's a normal tradition for us to stay up late for the presents.) 

Point is we were outside talking and before I knew it we were having an argument about something I don't even remember we were fighting about. When out of the blue she yells "At least have a Mom!" at that point I felt like crying. 

She is the only person I have ever told that my real Mom passed away when I was a baby and it hurt to think she brought that up. And she knows that, that is a very sensitive subject for me. I left her where she was standing and ran to my favorite tree and climbed to the top. That's where I stayed crying for a while, that tree is special to me because my Mom had it planted the day I was born.

I never really knew my Mom, she died in an accident on my very 1st birthday but its also where my Papi met my Mum. I wasn't in the mood to go down and say bye to her and her family but out of politness I did but didn't look her in the eye. 

It's almost time for dinner but I don't feel hungry much less happy enough to open presents when it gets close to midnight. All I want is to have some memory of Mom. 

My Mum is calling me I better go, its time to go eat but I don't feel well enough for it. Might as well go I don't want anyone to worry about me. 


Hi Reader! 

This chapter is a little sad I know. Sorry about that but I had a feeling I needed to add some drama and tension. By the way this has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's life. I just decided to write a story of a girl with normal problems and some that don't usually happen. Thanks for reading so far.

If you want to vote, follow, or comment it would be greatly appreciated. 

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