Thursday, December 26, 2013

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Okay I am seriously mad and downright angry at my Mum. One thing is making making jokes about my weight, and another is telling me comments about it but to go so far as to make me go and try to lose weight is an all time low. 

The day itself was pretty uneventful with waking up, eating, watching TV, and nothing much but that, it wasn't until like around 6:45 pm did my Mum tell me we where going to Zumba. I whined and complained that I can't dance and that I hate dancing. 

Which is pretty much true considering my ballet, tap, and jazz teachers gave up on me when I was younger. The closest I come to dancing is when I'm with my Papi but even then I'm tripping over on my own feet. That and the fact that two years prior she had tried getting me to go to Zumba with her, it was an absolute disaster in opinion. And I swore I would never go back to it again. 

But to no avail because my Mum forced me into that smelly and slightly crowded room. I would have hyperventilated right then and there if it weren't for the fact that my Mum was watching me. At around 7 pm the instructor turned off the lights and turned on the disco, strobe, and other party type lights. Everyone else was keeping in time and copying his movements correctly while I was stepping over my own feet and nearly tripping a couple of times. I actually almost twisted my ankle.

The lights kept getting into my eyes and blinding for much of the time, what's even worse is that so many of the movements and dance moves where down right inappropriate and provocative in my opinion. It was hard to believe no one there thought the same, by the time break rolled around 8 pm I was seeing colorful spots everywhere I looked. 

It wasn't until 8:45 pm did it end, and I was just ready to go in my room and shut myself away from the world. The quiet silence, darkness, and comfortable atmosphere of my room relaxed me after that horrible ordeal. I actually didn't even leave my room until everyone had fallen asleep. 

I went to the living room, turned on the TV, and just watched whatever was on. I should stop writing it's pretty late and I want to go to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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