Noah's POV

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"Noah? You coming to lunch or are you just going to stand by your locker?" I hear a voice behind me ask that, then I realize that it was Millie who asked that. "Huh? Oh yeah, lets go get some lunch. I am starving." I say smiling, as we walked to lunch. She looked at me, and she knew something was up but didn't say anything. "So, how was maths class?" She asked, as she waked to lunch, and I limped there. "Pretty good. I was pretty late but Miss. Peach was cool with it." I say, once we got in line. I saw Finn up ahead, and Millie also did. "Finn! Wait up!" She called, running after him. He looked back and saw me, and started to blush a little bit. "Hey Millie. Noah right?" He asked, once we both caught up to him, which was a struggle for me. "Y-Yeah, it is..." I look at him, slowly falling even more in love with him without even trying. I look into his eyes, which I get lost in, and he stares back into my poison ivy green eyes. Millie didn't say anything but had a look on her face that showed something.  I look away first, blushing like crazy, and Finn just smirked at me, showing his adorable dimples. "Come on you two lovebirds." MIllie says, and starts walking to decide what to eat. "Finn looked at me one last time before getting into line for pizza. It seemed everything was amazing until Troy showed up behind me. "N-N-Noah... Can we s-speak...?" He was stuttering like mad, and I could tell that something was wrong because he used my real name instead of anything before. Millie and Finn both looked at me, and they shooed me off. "I guess...?" I say, following him to what seemed to be the bathroom. I look confused but went on following him, knowing this will not end well. Once we walk into the bathroom, Troy pushed me up against the tiled wall, making me wince a little bit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PG-13 ish~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"K-Kiss me you q-queer..." He stuttered, looking flustered in the face. "I don't l-" "Just kiss me d-dammit" He says, interrupting me. I couldn't do it, I didn't like Troy like this. He didn't take no as a answer though, because well I was thinking, he started kissing me. I didn't kiss back, but he was still kissing me. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and just wanted to push away. I felt really grossed out but I couldn't do anything. It seems like lunch is going by really slowly, but I can't check without getting hurt by Troy. He grinded against me, causing him to moan into my mouth. i can't do this... i just can't... it's so wrong...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Done with PG-13 ish~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He stopped kissing me just to take a little bit of a breather, and to calm himself. "I-I am sorry... N-Noah, p-please don't tell anyone..." He says, looking down at his shoes. "I won't but why did you do that?" I asked, looking at him. "B-B-Because I love y-you Noah... I h-have liked you since m-middle school..." He started crying, as he went on. "Y-You never liked me... Y-Y-You n-never would have liked me..." He was crying really hard by now. I walk up to him and give him a giant hug. "You could have told me, instead of being mean all the time..." I say, as he hugs me back. He looked up to me, his blue eyes shimmering, showing he had just been crying. I stop hugging him, and smiled. "I am still going to be mean to you, queer." He says, back to his normal tone. "Yeah yeah, whatever." I say, walking out of the bathroom and checking my watch. It had only been five minutes, so nobody would know what happened here on this day. Once I walk into the lunch room, I spot Finn and Millie talking to each other. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous, even if Millie is a lesbian. I can't help myself, I just get jealous way too easy. Millie saw me just standing their, so she waved me over to come sit with them. I smiled and walked towards them, losing the jealousy I felt before. "So, what did Troy have to say to you?" Millie asked as I sat down in a spot next to her. "Oh, nothing." I say, looking at Troy as he walks back to his seat. I swear he just winked at me, but I could also be seeing things. "He better not be picking on you for being gay, or else Shannon and I will have to get him for you." Millie said, forgetting that Finn was at the table. "Your g-gay?" He stuttered a little bit which scared me. "Uh... Y-Yeah..." I say, regretting it right away. "That is fine, I am gay as well. Do you like anybody yet?" He asked, looking up at me, smirking. "N-No..." I say, lying to him so he doesn't have to know that I like him. "Well I already like somebody, and I think they like me back but I don't want to ask them in case they don't." He says, looking a little bit sad. "I am pretty sure whoever this person you have a c-crush on maybe likes you back, and you just don't know a-at all..." I say, trying not to revel that I like him. "I hope so..." I blushed a little bit, as I took a bit of a banana. Finn smirked at me as I did that, causing me to choke a little bit on it. Millie looked at me, then looked at Finn, looked back at me and shook her head at us. "You guys are so in love..." She said, making me look down in embarrassment, and causing Finn to look at her, telling her to shut up within his face.  

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