Noah's POV

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My tears streamed faster down my face, and I realized that I was alone outside, I could do what I want without getting caught. I pulled my scissors out of my pocket, and pulled down my sleeve. I was crying really hard by now, and I couldn't see anything I was doing. 

~~TW Moment~~

I open the scissors up too the sharper point, and put it to my skin. I was shaking really bad, so that could mess me up, but I didn't care at all. I slice my skin with the scissors, causing a few drops of blood to fall onto to the grass. My crying got louder as I cut more, with more and more blood falling onto the grass. My head started to hurt, like a pounding headache. The last thing that I heard and saw was Finn running towards me, yelling at me to stop. 

~~TW over~~

"Noah? Noah, are you awake?" I heard a voice talking, but I couldn't make out any of the words the person he was saying. "Noah, you better wake up." I could make out that voice, it was Millie. I didn't know who the other voice was, but I'm guessing its Finn or something. I was hoping it wasn't Troy at all, he's the last person I want to see when I wake up. If I do wake up, that is, because my vision is very blurry and I can't see much. "Noah, wake up or else..." A voice pleaded to my left, and I realize that it was Shannon speaking. "Oh my gosh, what if he doesn't wake up...?" "Finn chill, he will wake up, I can just feel it in my bones." "What if-" "Don't start sentences with what if Finn, you should know better." I hear my friends argue about me, making me laugh a very little bit, which caused the nurse to stop talking. My eyes began to regain focus of my surroundings. "H-Hey guys..." I stutter out, before Finn ran over and hugged me. My breath went short, from the giant impact. "Finn! Careful! You're going to kill the kid with your hugs." Millie says, and pushes Finn gently off of me. She gently walks over to me, and put her arms around me, gently. "I'm glad you're okay." She whispered in my ear and I sighed tiredly.  "When can I go home?" I ask the nurse, who was filling out my report. "You can go home on Thursday, we need you here for questions." The nurse says, never looking up from the report. "What ab-" "Your friends here can cover all your school work, besides, someone wants to see you. He doesn't want anyone in here." The nurse walked out of the room, waving Finn and Millie out of the room. I tried to get up, as the door opened to reveal who wanted to see me. My heart stopped as I realized who wanted to see me. 

Authors Note:
Sorry for not updating for like 2 months! I have so many stories I wanna update, but I never can. I'll start updating this one a lot more, but who do you guys think is wanting to see Noah?

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