Inside the Institute- Sarah

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My name is Sarah Adams. I am Ghost #37. Today, I turn eighteen. What is a Ghost you ask? A Ghost is a person with special abilities and advantages who uses their advantages to complete missions. One advantage is that we don't have any records on any database in the world. Most Ghosts have at least two abilities but I have four. I can talk to people through my mind, put images into and read someone else's mind, and I can also move things with my mind. Trust me it freaked me out when I found out about it as well.

The reasons that you don't know about us is because we and the government don't want you to.

Some of us gifted individuals are kept at places such as mine; they are located all over the world. This place basically a prison that teaches us how to use our abilities to destroy, while making us feel like we are helping out society. Others are schools or institutes that are run by gifted and allow us a sanctuary. Sanctuary schools are completely voluntary and welcome most gifted. These places are prefered because normals do not understand our differences and are not as accepting to us.

Unlike the sanctuary schools, my institution is a prison. Here the gifted are locked in cages at night, are on twenty-four hour watch, are forced to do physical fitness everyday, are made to kill people, and are glorified for it. Here there is a very strict schedule, but it changes everyday so that the creatures have a harder time escaping. All gifted are separated and are apart in different programs, so it is very rare when I see my best friend Luna, a phantom who prefers to stay in a wolf form.

"Happy Birthday, Bitch" says my guard who stays outside my room."Awww, you remembered". "You're needed in the Fitness Room". I put on my black jeans and a white shirt. The only clothes they let us wear here. I lace up my black boots and put my red hair in its normal ponytail, while my guard, Phil opens the door. "Thanks Phil" I say with a fake smile. He looks at me confused because I normally don't talk out loud and if I do it's normally profanities. Or was it because he didn't know I knew his name... oh well. I walked out in the hall and to the Fitness Room while Phil followed me.

I walk in the Fitness Room and I see Eric and standing with his arms crossed. "What took you so long Sarah?" It takes time to look this good, Eric. "Yeah, whatever Sarah just get on the bike". Who shit in your cereal this morning? He gave me an evil glare. Fine, I'm going. I went to the bike and started my morning fitness. This includes, biking five miles, running three miles, jump roping for ten minutes, a hundred pushups, and a hundred sit ups or pull ups. After that, Eric picks random exercises for me to do. Eric is a Ghost like me but he is a little older so he gets to yell at us younger Ghosts and tell us what to do. Eric is very attractive but he is also unapproachable. I think every girl in this place has, or once had a crush on Eric.

Eric looks at me and I hear his voice in my head. We need to leave soon; they want to put me on assignment in May.

For the past couple months, I have been preparing a plan to escape this place. Eric heard what I was thinking and instead of snitching on me he wanted in. Eric's locked up here like the rest of us too even though he is eighteen he hasn't been given an assignment and he doesn't want one, he doesn't think he could take someone else's life. I had never thought of a target as a person, more like a job. Eric's taught me things like morals: what is right and what is wrong. I guess Eric's made me a better person, creature, whatever the hell I am.

I will speak with Luna today at breakfast; the preparations will be made before May.

Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm fine with it as long as you trust her, but be careful. The little ones don't always watch what they are thinking. I stop biking and move to the treadmill. Oh and by the way Sarah, Happy Birthday. I smile and start running.

Eric started yelling at this boy who said he was tired and was done running. I finish my morning fitness and Phil walks me to the Chow Hall and a Chow Hall zombie (aka Lunch Lady) hands me a tray of food that has oatmeal and a banana on it.

It's nice they decided to mix it up a little bit. I sarcastically tell Luna who is eating her food with her guard standing behind her. I have managed to become best friends with Luna since she's been here. Unlike most of us who have been here since we were babies, Luna has only been here for a couple months. We both prefer mind conversation than verbal, though her reasoning is because she's a phantom.

[Background about Luna: Her parents played her gift off as a trick of the mind and fired any nanny who told them their child was a freak but when they walked into their thirteen year old daughter's room to see a wolf laying on the bed they couldn't pretend like nothing happened. That's when the people from the Institute came to get her. Now, her parents don't even remember that they had a child. They had to go through the White room and their memories were erased forever]

You really need to mix up your jokes Sarah, that's like the seven hundredth time you have used that one.

Well, what if I tell you that I have a way out?

I'd probably laugh at you.

I'm serious. I have a plan. Eric and I have a plan. We want you to come too.

Eric Black? The gorgeous Eric Black? What kindof plan? How are you going to pull this off?

Shut up Luna! She's the only one who knows how I feel about Eric and the only one who will ever know. Eric and I would never work. He's the most attractive person I know, and I'm just halfway decent. Are you in or out?

Hahaha. Of course I'm coming. What would you do without me? She grins. What would you need me to do?

Your job would be to make a distraction. It doesn't really matter what it is. We're also going to need you to help us get the guards to turn around if we come across any but I'm not planning on it. You get into people's heads even if you're in the other room right? Because we are going to need to start working on communicating across the Institute.

Piece of cake, Sarah.

Point made. Oh, and Luna, I need you to try not think to about this. When we aren't careful other people can listen in to our conversations and thoughts. So try not thinking anymore about this. Fill your head with pointless thoughts and facts or count. Just do something. And if there's a problem let me or Eric know. We will practice on blocking people out of your head later, but for now you should probably go.

Luna nodded her head and took her last bite of food; she went to her bowl and licked up some water. Then she came to me and let me pet her.

"May I sit here?" Asked Eric right as Lunda glanced at me, grinned, and walked away.

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