chapter 2

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~ One week later.~

Y/n  was in her hideout, which was basically a small cave that was covered by green moss and small flowers growing, And the big trees surrounding it.It looked more like a bear cave.Perfect for hiding, Anyway, she was packing her cowhide satchel with her daily necessities, rope, a wooden dagger, her small ax, and her money pouch.Ready for another day of thievery.Well, not much of thievery.She's more like robin hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor, except to giving it to the poor, she kept it to herself.Not like she was greedy, but when you're a wanted Thief with a grand reward on their head, it's best not to have any connections.Plus, she had plans with her daily winnings.The sun has barely started to rise, she walked to the entrance to her cave hideout and peered outside.There was a layer of thick fog on the forest ground.The dimness of the sun made the trees look like giant creatures, It gave a chilling eerie feeling.Upon the petals sit a hundred beads of water, each one a perfect sphere, brilliant in the morning rays. Each drop sits so lightly, yet together they are enough to cause the bloom to bow toward the earth. So delicate is the flower that even these scatterings of dew are significant. Soon the gentle heat of the morning will send them back to the clouds and the bloom will raise her head, calling to the insects.The time of day was perfect for catching royal carriages and the treasures they held inside. fastening her vest, she walked out of the cave and into a wall of fog, unfortunately, she didn't notice a trap was set, made out of vines, which blended well into the eerie forest setting. She was quickly hoisted up and dangling in the trees.

 She was quickly hoisted up and dangling in the trees

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"Bloody hell!" she cursed and tried to reach her dagger, but thanks to the uncomfortable position she was in she couldn't move, much less reach her bag.

"Cursing isn't very attractive for a young woman."

She heard a voice and turned her head towards the voice.It was the prince who she stole the little pouch of jewels.He stared at her with those dark, soul gazing eyes of his.

"well, I never cared about looks so fuck you." y/n said with a smile, obviously trying to get on the nerves of the prince, but thanks to his new fiance, his line of patience is very long.

he looked at her sternly as he leaned on a tree, as he watched her dangle like a piece of jewelry on display."You stole something dear to me, and I want it back.This.Instant."His voice was hard and threatening, but she was unfazed.

"Don't you bluebloods have like a million jewels at your marble castle?"She asked in a sarcastic matter."Yes, hundreds." he said with a smirk." but what you stole is unlike anything else."

"Then I should've sold it for a higher price."y/n said in a taunting voice, as she noticed the prince's face changed from a cocky prince to an angry devil."YOU SOLD IT?!"

"yeeeeeeep.," she said popping the 'P' at the end

"You have to get it back."He commanded, earning a laugh from the trapped girl."HA!What makes you think I have to do anything?" she asked him as she turned her head as much as she could.

"I'll give you as many jewels as you want."He said as he stared at her like a hungry wolf looking at its next meal."Sounds tempting but nah." she said uninterested.

"All the jewels you want, AND, your name off the queen's wanted list,y/n"

That got her attention.Her eyes went wide, and the cockiness vanished in an instant."How did you know?" she asked him.

"I have my ways, So will you do it  or not?"He asked her.

"How do I know I can trust you not to turn me into the queen?"

"you don't, but if you do this simple task, I'll give you what you want"

Y/n was stumped, she wasn't really sure if she could trust him, but something told her she could.Maybe her little voice inside her head, or a gut feeling.Whatver it was she decided to go forth with his command.

"Very well."

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