Chapter 31

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Isabel POV

I was shivering. I felt rusty chains around my wrists and my ankles. I was branded and out was the most painful experience in my life. They stripped me of my clothes and Simon, as I heard people call him, had orders to train me.

Train me for what exactly? I was scared. It was day one and I had no idea where I was. I looked to a woman next to me.

"Psst.....hey." She looked to me shivering. "W-where am I?"

"Aljahim. (Hell.)" I looked at her as she spoke foreign to me. Did she understand what I was saying? "Aljahim.....Aljahim!" She screamed and cried. She panicked and screamed louder and louder until Simon came over and hit her with a rock. I screamed as blood splattered all over me. I cried and saw the woman's body laying on the ground next to me.

"Shut up!" He yelled at me then unlocked the woman's chains. "What the fuck are crying about?" He growled in my face and pulled my hair. "This was all your fault." He smirked at me. Those evil green eyes bored into my soul. He was right. It was my fault.

My fault.

She's dead.

My fault.

"Stand!" I stood up and put my head down trying to hide my tears. "Usually my son Ambrosim would own dozens of slaves but for some reason he just wants you. I can see why." He chuckled.

"Now father. You don't need to talk about me as if I am not here." Ambrosim chuckled walking into the stables. He ran my fingers through my hair and looked at my body as if I was a piece of meat. "I say 3 months of training." He smirked. "Then I'll take her back to Russia with me. However, I want to see if you really are a virgin. If you are then you would be worth millions."

"N-no......" I bravely stuttered. The men stopped and Ambrosim chuckled staring around the room. He slapped me hard making me fall down and bang my head on the hard ground. They spread my legs open. Ambrosim had a sick twisted smile.

"Nice." He said.

4 hours later.....

My pride was taken. They spread my legs and took pictures of me. I had to crawl on knees like an animal. I was never so humiliated. I was scared. Hurt. Has it only been one day? One day?!


My Gio.

"Dinner slut!" A man came over and dropped a piece of bread in my face. I cried as they locked the door. I was in a hole. sweating, tired, yet I couldn't sleep. I heard whips, gunshots, women screaming.  I thought about Gio. I didn't even think about our fights. I only thought about the good times. The times of love.

The radio was playing soothing music and Giovanni's eyes never left mine.

"My Bella. My beautiful angel." He smiled at me. I stood up smiling and holding his hand.

"Dance with me."

I looked at Giovanni and his blue eyes stared at me with amazement and compassion. Something no other man ever did before.

"I have not danced in a long time Isabel." He smirked as he laid back on the couch and stared at me. My favorite song was playing, and I could not help but to pull him up as I begged.

"Please?" That soft plead made him weak. Nothing ever made him weak. He never danced before. This tall, buff, muscular man danced with me and held my tiny self against his strong frame as if I was everything in the world to him.

He danced......

Or he tried to dance for me. I giggled as I ran my fingers through his hair as he looked nervous.

Giovanni POV

My empire contains over a thousand men. Victor, Leo, and Chris gathered and recruited men for the mission to find Isabel.

"There's the mansion." Chris said. "Kind of small like Ambrosim's brain and dick, but that's the mansion."

"Do what you have to do." I said as I smoked a cigar. "I don't even care if you make a mess."

"Well then." Leo said as he was shining his knife. "That shit sounds good to me."

"Chris." Victor said. "Did you hacked into the gate security system?" Chris was on his phone sipping on some vodka. We heard a beep and Chris smirked as if he won the lottery. 

"Done." Chris said. "Fuck. I am good!"

The three of them left the van. The alarm didn't sound but all I heard was gun shots. I was out of my mind. Isabel was gone. I wasn't sane without her. I went back to being cruel and heartless to those who hurt the ones I have loved. 

My men outnumbered Ambrosim's. The Russians were taken by surprise as we invaded the mansion. Bullets flew out of the gun like birds out of a nest. Whoever shot at my men, we killed them without mercy.

I finished my cigar and walked onto the property leaving my footprints in the snow. I walked into the lobby, not surprised to see  blood on the floor and dead bodies after the invasion. I saw a few Italians, but my men were stronger the the Russians. I have never seen white tiles turn red before. My men surrounded 10 Russians. Then pathetic injured Russians. Their heads were down. I took out a cigarette and lit it up. I squatted seeing all the men on their knees before me.

"These are the only survivors boys?!" I asked all my men.

"Yes boss!" They answered and I looked at each man.

"I'm giving each of you pathetic sons of bitches a chance. My woman is gone. So is your boss." I exhaled the smoke of the cigarette. "I pulled out my knife and began to play with it skillfully. "You think he is scary?" I asked with a straight face. "I'm the devil." I put out my cigarette in the man's cheek and he screamed bloody hell and cursed in Russian. My men laughed and Leo kicked him hard. "Now.....who can tell me where my future wife is?" Nobody spoke. "Nobody? Well this is an inconvenience." I went up to one man. I took out a picture of Isabel. "Where is she?" I let my blade touch the man's throat. 

"I-I-I.....don't....know." He was panted and sweating. "I...I wish I knew. I-" His stuttering made me sick. He looked like he was telling the truth. I stabbed him in the throat and saw him head off. My men cheered for me as the blood dripped from my knife and my hand. 

"Next!" I called out loud and went on to the next man. "Where is Ambrosim?" I growled. "He.....I.....he. Shit please don't kill me! I don't know! I'm sorry! I-" I drove my knife into his skull. I heard it crack and the men were shocked of how bloody I still was. 

"You stupid, worthless, pieces of shit! You better start talking!" I yelled letting my voice echo throughout the room. "I already killed your fucking leader! Peter is dead! Where is Dmitri?!" I yelled at the next man in line. He looked like a kid. I chuckled at how scared he looked. I squatted and played with my bloody knife in front of him. "Do you know something I don't know kid?" He was shaking.

"We found him in the attic boss." Chris said.

"It looked like he was holding a knife or something." Victor threw me a tiny swiss army knife.

"This little piece of shit?" I laughed with my men looking at the dollar store knife. I looked at the engraving.

To my first grandson. Everything will be yours.

Your grandfather.

"How old are you kid?" I asked.

"15 sir....." He mumbled and I laughed.

"15 sir!" I mocked him and his accent making my men join me. "Who is your grandfather?" He didn't speak. Either he was scared or stubborn. I put the knife under his throat. "Talk kid. I don't give second chances." His green eyes looked into my blue eyes. He looks familiar.

"My g-grandfather Rostov." 

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