Chapter One: Pick Up Limes

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Twas a foggy night down at the docks, his long, blonde hair glistened in the moonlight. He was waiting for her to arrive. When she did she was wearing the same scarlet dress as when she had come in for her interview. She smelled faintly of vanilla. He didn't dare turn around for this was something he would rather say to the ocean than her face.

"Thank you for coming tonight. I know it was an odd request. But I couldn't fight this anymore. There is something that I must tell you, June. I.. I know you love me, but I just can't return those feelings. There is someone else." The tears didn't well in her eyes like they were supposed to and Fabio could see the director getting angry.

"Cut! Damnit, how many times do I have to say you're supposed to cry." Fabio ran a hand through his hair and listened as Tiffany was corrected by the director, again. He called for his assistant, Jezebel. Within seconds she was at his side awaiting her next command. With a single look she knew what he wanted and scurried off to go and get it. She soon returned with his coffee and as she handed it to him she felt their hands brush. She instantly felt her face heat up, she soon knew she looked like a cherry. Wanting to avoid the situation to come she excused herself and continued to watch from the sidelines.

    Once again Fabio was called into action and the scene started again.

    "Thank you for coming tonight. I know it was an odd request. But I couldn't fight this anymore. There is something that I must tell you, June. I.. I know you love me, but I just can't return those feelings. There is someone else." She her eyes bored into his and she watched as he stared back at her. She had finally cried and they could continue the shot. "Damnit june you know i love you but we just can't be together. I love someone else and to stay with you would be wrong." He paused and waited for her to start her line.

    "But darling, if I can't have you then nobody can!" Bringing the shoot to a close she pulled the gun from her jacket and 'shot' it. Her sobbing soon turned to a maniacal laughter once she saw the crimson liquid on the stage floor.

    "Good jobs ladies and gents. Thats a wrap for today I want to see you all bright and early tomorrow to finish this damn thing." Flipping his long hair so that is glistened in the artificial light, capturing Jezebel once again under his spell. Not even giving her a second glance he made his way out of the building to his expensive sports car. It was sleek and red, he loved being about to see his reflection in the shiny metallic surface.

    Then he sees it, the most beautiful human being on this earth--who just happened to be next to him of course. His short dark brown hair captured the sunlight perfectly and created an angelic glow around him. Fabio knew if he stared much longer he would get lost in those dark, chocolate, brown eyes. His heart pounded in his chest and his pulse practically jumped out of his throat.  A cold dewy sweat formed on his palms. Fabio had never felt this way before. This handsome stranger was doing strange things to his body. He knew he had to say something or he'd be lost forever.  His throat tightened and his mouth ran dry. Fabio was well aware of all the women that swooned when he walked by, but he didn't know how to purposely gain the attention.

    "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven because have sex with me" His face immediately reddened for the look on the stranger's face was one of curiosity and disgust. He made sure to quickly down cast his eyes to avoid the agonizing gaze that was burning into him. Almost as a saving grace Jezebel walked out of the building and ran over to the two.

    "Oh, Juandissimo you aren't supposed to be here. I told you I would meet you at the house." No one seemed to notice when the color drained from Fabios face for he had just hit on a taken man. Fumbling with his car keys he wanted to make a getaway as quickly as possible. Jezebel continued to argue with the handsome stranger. The more he tried to be invisible the more he seemed to stand out. Soon the arguing couple stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the statuesque man. The more their brown eyes bored into his body the more he felt he was going to melt in place.

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