Chapter Three: Aphrodisiacs

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Sexual tension had overcome both men as they continued the daunting task of trying to find Fabios beloved, long lost car. Pulling into the nearly abandoned parking lot a rush of excitement ran through Fabio as he saw his car. He desperately wanted to get out of the Prius. Juandissimo made sure that he had parked on the far side of the parking lot. Clicking the lock on the door, Fabio felt a rush of panic go through him. This was it, this was going to be the end for the actor. The hand on Fabio's hand gently rubbed circles on his pants. "Calm down kitten. Everything's going to be okay. I know you don't remember anything from last night but I want you to know that I really did enjoy last night." Fabio refused to look anywhere but out the window at his car. It was so close but yet so far. "Look at me please, kitten." Still Fabio wouldn't look at Juandissimo. Raising his hand to cup the right side of Fabio's face he gently turned him to face him. Staring into each other's eyes, the distance between them suddenly felt to close but at the same time not close enough. Fabio stared intently into the deep brown eyes of the man in front of him. His mind flashed back to what he had imagined that man doing as his eyes stared at him. He felt his blood rush into two different places. The burn that rose to his cheeks was nothing compared to the ache in between his thighs. Juandissimo leaned forward his lips just barely touching Fabio's. His heart pounded as their lips met and a soft sigh escaped his lips. Juandissimo's hand slowly slid up Fabio's thigh.
Fabio's breath caught as he felt Juandissimo's hand move. His chest felt tight and it hurt to breathe. Aimlessly throwing his hand around behind him he searched for the door handle. Finally finding it, he grasped it in victory and opened the door. Breaking the kiss Fabio made a mad dash for his car. Unknown to him there was a small divot in the road and he tripped. Rather than doing the rational things and getting up, Fabio continued his crawl to the automobile. Juandissimo watched from afar as his pet scrambled across the hot asphalt.
    Fabio soon found himself unable to open the door to the car along with the fact he also had no keys. Slowly he stopped trying and just lay there in the parking lot awaiting his doom. Unbeknownst to him, Juandissimo had made his way out of the Prius in an attempt to calm the panicked blonde.
Sitting down on the ground, Juandissimo carefully pulled the shaking Fabio into his lap. Stroking the magnificent hair in front of him, Juandissimo softly sung to his kitten. Fabio found himself unable to escape. Terror encased him. More and more panic coursed through his veins until everything slipped away into darkness.
Finding himself in a strange room Fabio couldn't help but feel as if he was being watched. The room smelled of sweet cherries and the walls were dark but the bed that he resided on was deep red. As soon as he lifted his head off of the pillow a door, that he hadn't seen before, opened on the far side of the room. Still groggy from what had previously occurred he continued to stare at the blurred figure who was making their way over.
"Ah, I see my kitten has finally awoken. I do wish you were in this room under different circumstances." Fabio knew the voice, it was deep, rich and that of a male; where had he heard it before. "Its okay, don't rush yourself." Almost as if a switch went off in his head Fabio bolted up right to look at the man in front of him. "One would almost think you don't like me with how fast you bolted out of my car."
"I'm sorry. It uh," Fabio stumbled over his words as he looked down at his hands, "I..I didn't take my meds the last couple of days." Juandissimo moved to sit on the bed next to Fabio, but he didn't sit close enough to touch the blonde. Turning his body Fabio moved to face the brunette. Copying his actions Juandissimo moved as well.
Silence engulfed the room. Both men sat quietly simply staring at one another. Fabio couldn't help but let his eyes drift away from his face. Instead they followed the muscles on Jaunissimos arms up to his chest. He pictured the toned skin that was hidden under the thin fabric of the brunettes shirt. Seconds turned into minutes and Fabios eyes didn't move away from Juandissimo's chest. He kept finding himself thinking back to how badly he wanted to see those muscles ripple as he moved his body. Closing his eyes he hoped most this day didn't happen. 
You're so stupid, he thought to himself. You had him. He was kissing you.  It felt nice.  And then what did you do?  You had to be an idiot and freak out. Why? Why did it have to be then?
Opening his eyes he expected to see Juandissimo in front of him,  but he was gone. Just as he turned his head to look around the lights shut off, leaving him in complete darkness. Feeling the bed dip,  Fabio stained his eyes to see anything but he couldn't. Warm air blew across his lips before something lightly brushed over them. 
"Shall we try this again kitten?" Fabio nodded his head as he whispered please. 
What Fabio could only speculates Juandissimo's lips grazed gently across the crook in his neck. Juandissimo's lips kissed up Fabio's neck. As his lips moved up Fabio's neck a sigh left his mouth.  Just when Fabio was becoming desperate to feel those lips upon his, the taste of cherries filled his mouth. Jaunissimos lips massaged his and a quiet moan escaped him.

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