The meet up .2

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The last bell of the day rang, and I stood from my seat in English. Alex and Darren picked up their bags and called out my name, letting me know that they were leaving so I needed to hurry up.

"Where you lots going?" Jasmine asked me as she packed her bag away. Her hair was out in its curls today, flowing past her shoulders. She wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse.

"Somewhere...where you going?" I asked.

"Home init. D and Alex are waiting on you, hurry." She commented as she turned her attention to some other girls.

I slung my bag on my back and made my way to the boys as we left the class.

"How was Maya when you went to see her?" Darren asked. Alex shrugged before rubbing his hand down his face.

"She's calm. She's actually sick though." He mumbled. He'd been acting off for the whole day, and I was wondering why.

"Bruv, you alright?" I questioned. Darren looked from me to him without saying a word.

"Yeah. I'm just...I don't even know. What time are we meeting Elicom and Moses? I can't be asked, I just wanna go home." He stated. There was clearly something bothering him but I'd ask him later.


"So where's the knife I gave you two?" Big E questioned me and Moses. I shrugged as I looked up at him. He'd told us what he needed us to do, and now he was just being extra.

"In my bag." Moses replied.

"What use is it in your bag? You've got pockets for a reason." He growled. Moses didn't reply, he just looked down at his shoes. "And you, where's yours?" He asked as he turned his attention to me.

"Not sure." I muttered.

"What? So you man think you can roll round these ends without shanks in your pocket yeah? You man tink you're big nah?" He questioned as a low, bored tone laugh left him. "I like you ya'know. But remember, it don't matter how bad you are, someone is always worst. If you boys are fully riding out, you need to be prepared at all times." He stated as he looked at us. "You man can go now. Make sure you get the job done and don't fuck up." He said.

We stood from our seats and made our way out of the house. It was a private property, and it was huge, just like all the other houses on this road.

"Fam, you man need to pattern. Just carry the knife on you man." Elicom commented.

"Nah that's dead. Last time I went out with a knife, I nearly got put in a box. Plus it's not like I'm beefing anyone." I shrugged. I shivered as I remembered the events of last year. My life changed so abruptly that summer, and I buried a bestfriend at sixteen.

"Whatever man, I don't think it's wise to piss him off." Darren commented.

"Oi, you man, I'm gone." Alex said. He hadn't spoken for so long, I almost forgot he was with us.

"Aye, wait for me, I'm coming your way." I said. I hugged my cousin before spudding Elicom and Darren.

As me and him walked, I looked over at him and saw that he still had that pissed off, yet bored expression. "Alex, wagwaan?"

"Fam," he sighed "something about Darren ain't genuine man." He muttered as he looked at me.

"What you on about?"

"Fam, I'm sure he's beating Amara or he's moving to her. He was fully touching her and that today. I can't chill with someone who moves to their boy's girl. These times, Jamal doesn't have any idea that his boy's acting snaky. He's being a cunt."

"Rahh. Jamal's too good to get played. Only thing imma say is to not say anything unless you're one hundred percent. You have to be careful because these situations are sensitive." I advised. Drama was coming, I could already see it. Alex wasn't a snaky guy or anything like that. He was probably the realist person I knew - after Moses - but one thing he couldn't tolerate, was fake acts. He'd rather someone tell him the truth rather than lie to him, so he always told people how things were without filtering his words. "Just tell Darren to watch his steps and tell Amara to pattern."

He nodded. "Where you off to anyway?"

"Home, man's hungry init." I shrugged.
Jessica Edmonds
I sighed as I walked through the front door of my house. I could hear loud music playing from upstairs, which meant Reece had his boys over or he was smoking weed.

Walking up the stairs and into my room, I removed my coat and placed it on the hook behind my door. Jumping onto my bed, I took my phone and checked my messages.

I had two snapchat messages from Karl, which I opened with a small smile.

Karl😍: so when are you actually coming down here again?

Me: Why, you miss me already?😂😂

Karl😍: not even. Just asking init.😏

Me: not sure tbh but I'll let you know

My bedroom door flew open and I instantly looked up and screwed. "What the hell Reece?" I questioned as I looked up at him.

"Aye relax, I didn't know you were home. You got spare clothes?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. He was shirtless, anyone could tell what he'd just done.

"No. Tell whatever girl you've got in there, to find her own clothes."

"Don't be deep. I just need a shirt that you don't wear and some leggings." What the hell did he do? Rip her clothes? I sighed before pointing at my wardrobe and allowing him to get a white t-shirt and some plain leggings from Primark.

"Do me a favour and turn off your music!" I yelled as he slammed the door behind him. I looked back down at my phone which vibrated once more.

Karl😍: cool, how you doing anyway?

Me: I'm calm. Wyd?

Karl😍: talking to you init

Me: yeah well...apart from me🙄

Karl😍: just you. I can't multitask so rn you're getting my full attention

Me: 😂awe cute. I feel special.

I threw my phone on my bed and continued to smile at myself like an idiot. He was actually talking to me! He was genuinely beautiful. I'm sure when God was creating him, he over exceeded the amount of beauty dust he was supposed to use. His skin was so clear and brown and his eyes... wait, I sound like I'm crushing way too hard.

Overall he was handsome and I really wanted to get to know him.

Votes and comments are welcome and appreciated x
I sense drama...😉

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