Rule no. 2

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Same night
I struggled to stick my key into the keyhole so instead, I pressed the doorbell. My head was killing me, it felt like someone had smashed it against the floor several times and I could barely walk without wincing.

I was furious to say the least. How dare she set me up? After everything she did to me...I still took time out of my day to come and make sure she was okay. I didn't have to, but I did it out of pity.

It stung me emotionally like never before. If anybody was to set me up, I didn't expect it to be her, no matter how abnormal she behaved sometimes. I genuinely had love for her regardless of everything she put me through, and I thought I knew her well enough to think that she had a heart.

Rule number two: Never trust your ex.

My brother opened the door with sleep in his eyes, but when he saw the state I was in, his eyes widened and popped out in surprise. "What the hell, bruv?" He questioned. "What the fuck happened? I swear I'm try'na leave this life behind, but I'll paint the whole city red if I have to!" He stressed as he closed the door behind me. "Speak up, blood."

There was no point in even sugar coating, and all though I didn't want him getting involved, this shit was getting annoying. "Aubrey called me to come over to do something, then outta nowhere Darren showed up tryna bang me and shit."

"What you on bout? I swear that's your boy?" He asked clearly irritated.

"Bruv, he's dead to me! Imma get him and whoever the hell this 'Reece' boy is." I proclaimed as I ferociously wiped away my tears of anger. "Imma get him hard." I spoke angrily.

"Reece?" He stared at me weirdly as I removed my jacket and put the key I was holding on the table.


"Light skin with a nose piercing...kinda tall? East yout?" He questioned.

"You know him?"

"Don't watch that. But that's him, right?"

"Dunno where he's from but I think so." I mumbled. I examined my hands which had small cuts and was beginning to swell up. Luckily I wasn't bleeding, because if I was, I'd probably freak out. Blood was something that I had always panicked about since I was a young kid.

"A'ight, get yourself cleaned up. I'm going gym with some friends real quick." He replied. I wasn't dumb enough to believe him, but I let it slide because I didn't have enough energy to stop him.

So much for leaving his old life behind...

"Just one last chance. Just one and I promise I'll make it work. Shit will be different, I'll be more open and I'll treat you better."

I kept my eyes focused on the ground as Andre continued to talk me into getting back with him. I was honestly tired of this back and forth between him, and I was done looking making myself look stupid.

"Andre, I think we should just be friends-"

"-baby, I-I need you. Okay? Things will be better this time, I promise." He begged. He looked like an absolute mess. The jogging bottoms he wore were sagging dangerously low and the black hoodie he wore was clearly too large.

"Andre, I don't want to be in a relationship with you. And if you don't want to be friends, then we can't be anything at all." I replied sternly. I gave him a million chances to fix up when we were still together, and he just pushed me away. What's worse is, I probably would've forgiven him straight away, but after finding out that he'd lied to me and betrayed me without confessing, there was no way I could forgive him that easily.


"-are you still a virgin, Andre?"


"Answer the question."

"What? Why you asking? I did tings with you and only you." He lied. Licking his lips nervously, he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah alright. You're really gonna stand infront of me and lie. But it's okay. 'Cuz that's what you do best ain't it? You lie."

He kissed his teeth before removing the beenie on his head. "What do you expect? I'm nineteen and you wanted to wait-"

"-how many girls?" I questioned. "One?" He looked at me with a blank expression. "Two?" No answer. "Three?" He looked down in shame. "More? Seriously?" I felt the corners of my eyes begin to water causing me to get angry. How dare he? "I never would've done that to you! Never. If you wanted to wait I would've respected your could you?"

"They never meant anything-"

"Get out! I mean it!" I interrupted. I was beyond hurt by this point; there wasn't any point in even entertaining his presence anymore. I tried so hard...too hard for him, and in the end I got nothing out of it.


"-no. Please just go." I whispered. My voice was supposed to come out stern and strong, instead, you could hear the heartbreak in my tone. My trust with him was completely broken. Even if we did end up patching things up, I would never be able to trust him or forget what this feeling felt like.

My hands shook slightly as my mother peered at me from the kitchen table. Her head was in the palm of her hand whilst her elbow supported her. "Are you ill, Tanya?" She questioned causing me to sigh and shake my head.

"I have to tell you something-"

"-if it's about university then we aren't talking. You are going, and that decision is final."

"No, it's about something else. I know you're gonna be angry so please just try to remain as calm as you can." I pleaded, being sure to wear the most innocent face I could. Releasing a sigh, she folded her arms and gave me her undivided attention.

"What? You're making me nervous."

"I'm p-pregnant." I stuttered.

Silence filled the kitchen and it was almost as if my mum was frozen in her position. Her eyes scanned my body from the crown of my head to the tips of my feet before she rubbed her hands over her face. "You're joking, right?" She questioned. When I didn't reply she shook her head with disappointment and reached for a cigarette from her pocket. She lit it before standing and looking me over with disgust. "I don't know where I went wrong as a parent. You better call your brother and let him know. And get yourself a stable job, because I ain't gonna babysit your baby while you go to uni. This is an embarrassment to me, to E and to this family...whose the father?"

I stood there with tears threatening to fall. How was I even supposed to answer the question. I didn't know if it was for Darren or Reece, but I had to answer smartly. Darren was still immature and he was the same age as me. He didn't have a stable job where he would be able to support this child. On top of that, he was one of Kobby's good friends. Reece on the other hand, he was older and would probably do a better job at supporting. He was more enthusiastic about this baby than Darren. I would still look messy though, Reece was Jessica's older brother and she was supposed to be one of my best friends. It was a lose, lose situation. I couldn't win.

"His name's Reece." Now that his name had left my mouth, I had to make myself believe that Reece was the father, the only father. Or else, I was screwed.

Votes and comments are appreciated and welcome xxx

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