Chapter 1.)

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Camilla's POV

I'm an outstanding student. I always get straight A's without any second thought. I pass all my quizzes with a 95% or higher (usually 100%'s). I'm in the highest math and science classes, easily passing. I'm even taking Spanish, and am considering also taking French just for fun. There's no class that I can't pass....or so I thought.

Drama. It had to be drama. The one class that consists of topics in which I find no use for in my daily life. My school is the type to make sure that everyone is doing at least one extracurricular activity, which didn't bother me at all at first. Up until I saw the lists, that was. I'll admit, I'm not the toughest and most brave kid in my grade, so getting to the lists took a while. By the time I made it up to the board, all the good ones where full. The only ones left, as I can precisely remember, were jousting, chorus and drama. You may be thinking that drama would be one of the first lists to be full, right? Wrong. My school doesn't do drama they way you think they do. Instead of putting on plays for the entire school, we practice social skills like one on one conversations, eye contact, etc.

It seems like an easy class to pass in, right. Wrong. Well, for me at least. You see, like I said before, I'm not exactly miss popular. I'm more of the underdog brainiac gal. Focused on writing rather than talking. That's where my life officially ended, not literally at least. We got our progress reports on Friday for all of our classes. I was ready to see all my A+'s, but to my surprise I saw all A+'s.....except in drama! I had gotten a C+! The note that the teacher had said was this:

"Needs work on speaking more clearly and loudly. Great listener, bad speaker. Feel free to stay after school on Monday and learn about how to raise your grade. We meet in the auditorium at 3:00"

So I guess that's that. I officially got a bad grade in school. I can't bare to see anyone, not even Mr. Williams, my Pre-Algebra teacher. He's hilarious with all of his fun math jokes, but I can't smile anymore today. I'm too embarrassed to be seen going anywhere near the auditorium today after school. Everyone knows that there aren't any studious clubs in the auditorium! I guess I'm just going to have to hug my books and slowly drag myself through the day.

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