Chapter 11

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We drove to the store and went into target.

We grabbed a trolley and put the twins into it and then we were off.

The first thing I saw when we walked in was a little body suit that had

Mummy + daddy= best parents ever

"We have to get this for them" I say as I pick it up and put it in the trolley.

"What ever you say babe" Blake said as we picked up cute clothes and shoes.

The twins are so tiny so we had to get them extra small clothes. What do you expect when you have a new born babies to look after.

I managed to find matching clothes for the both of them. There gonna look so cute together.

We had finished up and went to get lunch or should I say BRUNCH

We ordered: a bacon and cheese sandwich with a side of ice-cream and strawberries and a frapichino for Blake, I got some nice warm milk for the twins and then I ordered waffles with a mango thick shake.

After we finished we piled into the car and we drove back to the apartment.

I checked my phone and saw that I had messages from my mother.

Mother:please come back home. We think that it is great that you are going to be raising twins. We don't want you raising them by yourself honey.

Me:I'm not raising them by myself because I have Blake helping me. We already have an apartment.

Mother:where are you I'm coming to visit. I want to visit my daughter and grand daughter and grand son oh and son inlaw.

Me:I have to ask Blake and where not getting married. Now your only just calling the twins your grand daughter and grand son.

Mother:well yes. But you would make cute babies together. And they were my grand daughter and grand son from when you first brought them to the house. We thought you were joking about that honey.

Me:this conversation is over and yes I wasn't joking, bye mother.

Mother:I'm coming to visit just remember, send me through the address, love you sweetheart.

End of convo

"Blake my mother wants to come and visit" I say as I go look for them all.

Blake was in the bathroom bathing the twins. They looked so cute.

The twins loved being in the water and splashing around.

"Ok Hun" he said as he looked up from both the twins to me with a smile.

Oh how I love that damn smile

"I just don't think it's a good idea Blake. At first she wasn't happy about it and now she is all I want to see my grand daughter and grand son and son inlaw. I mean where not married for gods sake" I say as I sit down on the toilet lid.

"Your mother thought that we were married" Blake said with that goofy smirk.

"And she thought that we would make cute babies together" I said as I rolled my eyes.

He stood up and came over and kissed me on the lips.

"We would make cute babies together if you think about it" he said as he smiled.

"Come to think about it we would actually" I say as I get up and get the twins out of the tub.

I put them on the change table and got them changed into a black t-shirt that has daddy's little girl on it with light blue jeans and little converse shoes and mommy's little boy.

They looked so damn cute in there matching clothes

I texted my mother the address.

Me:152 landmens crescent

Mother:we'll be there in five

End of convo

"Mum and dad are coming over in five" I said as I walked into the living room.

"Ok, just relax" Blake said as he palmed the other twin onto me.

"I'm making them a bottle because they have to go to bed" Blake said as the kettle boiled.

"Alright, I love you Blake" I said as I stared at him making the bottle.

"I love you to, always have and always will" he said as he handed me the bottles.

"I'm going to go change" he said as he walked down the hall and to the bedroom.

"Hay Blake, you know what we should do" I yelled out for him to hear.

"What should we do" he asked as he stuck his head out of the door.

"We should name the twins" I said as I remembered that we hadn't named them yet and it said on the note that they hadn't even gotten a name.

"We should" he said through out the house.

"I've got the perfect names, Andrew and Alex" I said as I jumps around with excitement.

"Perfect" Blake said. I knew he liked the names.

I picked the twins up and bought a cot out and put both of them in it so I didn't wake them up or scare them.

This is going to be a long day

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